Crooked Kingdom

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~ Kaz Pov ~

I am still alive.

Somehow, through all of the unlikely escapes I've attempted and beatings I've endured, I am still alive. But Matthias is not, and it is like losing a brother all over again.

So, I left the rose garden and went straight to where I reside in Van Eck's old office. The floor is still being repaired. I'd rather be here than listen to any more of that sad funeral.

No mourners, no funerals. That is how it was supposed to be. No one mourns people like us, but I guess when people like us die, the people that remember them are the ones who will also be forgotten. We all know what it feels like.

I also don't want to watch Y/N step on that boat and dissappear to the harbor. She was absolutely glowing today, and though I may never understand what it is like to be Grisha, I know that it must feel good. Ravka will be good for her. And even though she is away, I'll still be a man for her.

Curse her stupid Saints for not answering my prayers.

I tap my foot on the ground restlessly and just stare out of the door into the hallway. Wylan and Jesper own this place now, and I am finally the king of the barrel. We did it. But in the nicest of all places, I still feel sad. Not that I'd ever show it.

~ Y/N pov ~

Jes, Wylan, Inej, and I all slowly make our way back into Van Eck's mansion. This whole space seems empty without a merchant's big ego filling it.

I sit at the dining room table next to Jes. "What will you be doing with your money, Jes? Is Novyi-Zem in your line of sight as of now?"

He stretches his legs. "Maybe not for a while. Wylan and I will stay here and keep the Merchant Council in check. And as for my kruge...I'm saving it. My days in the casino are over."

"I'm proud of you Jes, truly."

He grins. "Thanks Y/N, but the credit really goes to Wylan. He is ensuring that I don't spend my money in irresponsible ways."

Wylan beams. "And Jes is going to help me read all of these stupid official merchant papers."

"I'm happy for both of you," I say with a smile. They are a perfect fit, I am glad that they found each other and are sticking together.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Kaz walking down the staircase. He pauses upon seeing me, and wears a confused countenance.

"What are you doing here?"

The question takes me by surprise. "Uhh talking with my friends?"

He shakes his head. "No, shouldn't you be on your way to Ravka right now?"

Jes looks at me. "Oh yeah, I thought for sure you would get on that boat with Zoya, since you two were like ~connecting~ earlier. You know, glowing and such."

Everyone looks at me, expecting an answer. I guess they all expected me to leave. I expected that, too. Fighting Dunyasha made me realize what I stand for. But I've missed my chance, I've turned down Commander Nazyalensky; she is long gone by now. And I have a feeling that she doesn't exactly do second chances.

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