I can best this.

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~ Kaz Pov ~

Per Haskell, that bastard, has rallied my own gang against me. I've done more for the Dregs than he ever did, yet he still holds more power over my head. That will change soon. I straighten my tie and enter the common area of the suite, where the Crows and Colm are dispersed at the kitchen table and the couches. Upon seeing me, they all look at me with question in their eyes: what are we going to do next?

It is a fair question to ask. None of us expected Pekka to team up with Van Eck and ruin last night's plan. They are closing in on us like a snake constricting its prey. But they won't get Kuwei, and they sure as hell won't get Y/N.

I clear my throat. "Everyone besides Kuwei and Colm come with me. We need to discuss our next step."

The Crows get up from their perches on windowsills and couches and follow me to the belltower. Y/N's composure falters ever so slightly when climbing up the short ladder, the wound in her shoulder still fresh from Van Eck's knife. He made her feel useless on Eil Komedie, and as she enters the belltower, her eyes reflect the same look I saw when we were on the roof of the Church of Barter. Her altercation with him last night made her feel helpless again, and I swear by any Saint that dares to hear me that I will teach that smug merch son of a bitch a new language of suffering.

As I start discussing a new plan, one that involves an auction, Inej interrupts me.

"Before you make any permanent plans, Kaz, I have some news," she says, fiddling with her knife.

I study her posture. Shoulders sunk slightly, eyes averted. This can't be good. "Enlighten me."

"When Nina and I were at the silos yesterday, we were attacked," she explains, glancing over to Nina, who nods in encouragement.

"Dime Lions, then, I assume? We already know that Rollins and Van Eck are teaming up on us, Inej."

"No, it is someone completely different. Ravkan. Her name is Dunyasha, and she claims to be the rightful heir to the Lanstov throne. She was hired by Pekka-"


"I'm not done, Kaz. She is an assassin hired by Pekka...to kill Y/N," she says solemnly.

I glance at Y/N. She is looking at me, expecting me to say I expected this and have a plan. Neither of those would be true if I said them out loud. Instead, I look back to Inej.

"Well, before you fell twenty stories, I'm assuming you had a chat with Dunyasha. Why did she go for you, then?" I ask.

Inej shifts from one foot to another. "She thought that I was Y/N on the silos. She tried to kill me, and obviously she failed. But she is good, she almost bested me."

"I doubt that. The Wraith can best anyone. Did she happen to say why Pekka wants Y/N dead?"

"Well, Y/N tried to kill him at the Ice Court, and she said something along the lines of 'if Rollins can't have her, no one can, Brekker is too powerful with her by his side'".

I look back at Y/N. She never goes down without a fight. This is no exception. A fire is now lit in her eyes that were clouded with distress mere moments ago. No one will 'have' her, like a shiny jewel being passed around the hands of merchants. She won't let that happen.

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