Eye of the Storm

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~ Y/N ~
*7 years ago still*

Kaz Reitveld is a very nice boy, I like him a lot. There is something very nice about having someone to talk to that is your age. He and Jordie are also new to the city, so we have a lot to relate to about each other. I've been hanging out with Kaz for a couple of weeks now. Usually we play in the kitchen or race each other up the steps in Jakob's house. But today we sit at the window on the second floor, overlooking the canal and the cherryblossoms below.

"You want to know something, Kaz?" I start out by saying. We have been sitting in silence for the past few minutes just watching the spring day go by.

"Sure." He replies, still looking out of the window.

"I love cherry blossoms blowing in the wind."

"And why is that?"

"Well, when the wind blows, the little petals fall into the canal, and they get swept away. I always wonder where they end up. Probably somewhere very nice." I explain.

Kaz looks at me and smiles.

"They probably just end up in the harbor, but I like your version better."

"Maybe it's nice in the harbor, who knows." I say, and the conversation pauses there. We both go back to staring at Zelvarstraat.

Suddenly, Kaz sits up straighter. I turn my attention to him once again.

"Can you promise me something, Saskia?" He asks. I nod my head. One day I'll tell him my real name. After this job is over.

"Can you promise that we'll be friends till the day we die?"

I was not expecting that sort of promise. I thought it went without saying. Kaz is the closest friend I've had..well...ever. I never really had any on the farms in Novyi-Zem. There was never really anyone there.

But I agree to the promise nontheless. Friends until the day we die.

After messing around the rest of the afternoon, seven bells hits once again. Our chatter is interrupted by Jakob calling our names. Kaz and I make our way to the foyer. Jakob gives Jordie his money, and the boys leave to go back to wherever their home is. Kaz looks back at me once more, as he does everyday. I give him a smile. The door closes.

"So, Saskia, it has been a few weeks since you've begun this job with me. And now it is coming to an end. Tomorrow will be the last day you are Saskia Hertzoon, and I'll pay you in full when you get here. Remember, noon. No earlier." Jakob tells me. I nod and thank him. I wonder why the job is over now. I wonder what the job was even for.

I go back to the temporary apartment where me and my mother stay. This is the last night that I am Saskia Hertzoon. Tomorrow, once I get paid, Kaz Rietveld will know my real name.

~ Kaz Pov ~

I haven't been this happy in a while. Ever since our father died at the farm, me and Jordie have been empty vessels trying to find a good home. And I think we have finally found one that isn't just good, but perfect. Jordie is making good pay and is on the right track to be a merchant. I get to spend my days in a big house on a nice street with Saskia. If I could pause this day and spend eternity in it, I would.

"I've invested a lot of money into jurda today. I've got a good feeling about this." Jordie says, breaking the silence of our daily walk back to our comfortable apartment.

"If we get rich, can we buy a big house like Mr. Hertzoon has?" I ask, already imagining how good life would be with millions of kruge.

"Think bigger, Kaz. With the way I plan things to work out, we could live in a mansion. All to ourselves." Jordie explains.

A whole mansion. I would sure like that. I begin to get lost in thought until Jordie interrupts once more...

"One day, we will be rich, Kaz. Filthy rich. We can bathe in Kruge and live like kings. You won't have to attend school here. We can even invite Saskia along on our journey since you seem to have taking a liking to her." He states.

I laugh and look away as Jordie smirks.

"Looks like someone has a crush" he says as he pokes my arm. I feel my face burn as Jordie confirms what he knows to be true. I tap his arm, signaling a race, and break into a sprint as we get closer to our apartment. Jordie follows behind, loudly proclaiming that he is going to be the best man at me and Saskia's wedding. I swear he has thought about this more than I have. I don't mind, though. Of course Jordie is going to be my best man lol.

As we finish our sprint race to our apartment (which I won), we start listing off all of the ways we will spend our Kruge when Jordie becomes a big merchant. From the big things to the little things, from an endless supply of waffles to a whole jurda farm. One day.

One day we will be rich.

//there is one more chapter for background and then the story begins//

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