A Good Investment

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~ Kaz Pov ~

I've said this before and I will say it again: Y/N is the glue that holds this crew together. She has been gone barely a day, yet we are all restless. But I already have a plan in motion, and that involves taking a trip to the Emerald Palace.

As the others and I walk into Pekka's office, he looks surprised to see me.

"What do you want, Brekker?" He asks, eyeing all of us with skepticism.

"You owe me a favor since I let you go and...attempt to obtain a certain Tidemaker. I have come to collect," I explain, not taking my eyes off of him.

He considers this for a moment. "Well, what do you want, then?"

"Money. I need 200,000 kruge, and in exchange you can have my shares of the crow club and fifth harbor."

"Hm. That's a pretty hefty amount, don't you think? What is the reason?"

The reason. Of course. Kaz Brekker doesn't need a reason. But somehow I always have the same one. First and foremost: get Y/N back. And second...well let's just say that Pekka is funding his own demise.

I lift my chin. "Van Eck duped me and my crew of our reward for the Ice Court heist-"

"You guys got the Shu boy?"

"Don't act so surprised. We are plenty capable, can you say the same?"

Pekka's composure doesn't waiver. "I doubt you are missing some of your capability without that Tidemaker of yours. I was sure she would put an end to you after attacking me. It seems you two have made other arrangements."

"Get to the point, Rollins. Will you lend us the money to take down Van Eck or not?"

He grins a rotten smile. "Don't ever show weakness in the Barrel, boy. It will eat you alive."

He takes out 200,000 kruge and hands it to me. I gladly take it. "Good thing I am the monster with the longest teeth then."

I turn to leave and Pekka chuckles. "Stupid boy."

I face him once more. "You don't even act like you remember me."

He looks confused. "Should I?"

The audacity. The arrogance. Brick by brick.

"You will," I say and walk out of his office. The look of fear that flashed on Pekka's features was priceless. But the golden watch of his that I now have in my pocket is worth a lot more.

~ Y/N pov ~

This place is torture. I am in a cell all over again. This time, though, I really can't get out. There is no water, my knives were taken from me. And whenever I fall asleep on the hard ground, Kaz's face flashes before me, taunting me. This isn't his fault, I remind myself. Van Eck did this. And he will pay. Kaz will come for me. He must.

Once a day, a Zemini man enters my cell and gives me food. He is kind enough to remove my blindfold and tie my hands in front of me so I can partially use them, but I cannot bring myself to show him kindness. I glare at him as he enters.

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