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~ Kaz Pov ~

Once I make it to the incinerator, everyone except Jesper has already climbed up the rope.

I glance behind me to make sure no one has followed. "What are you waiting for?"

"You!" He replies, grabbing the rope and pulling it taut.

I know that my meeting with Pekka messed up the plan a bit. But I needed to make that detour.

"Did Nina make it back here?" I ask.

"Yes, she's with the others," Jesper informs, starting to make his climb up the uncomfortably warm incinerator.

Ok good. So the plan hasn't been messed up too terribly. We have one less member of our crew now, but six people can effectively pull off this heist. After Jesper finishes his climb, I go up myself. Up six stories I go, the sweat dripping down the sides of my face. As I slowly make my way up, my thoughts wander, and Jordie's voice intrudes my headspace.

What if we made a mistake, Kaz?

"Not now, Jordie," I mutter to myself. We waited seven years for this. I can't let myself regret anything.

After what seems like an eternity, I finally make it to the top, and head to the embassy roof with the others.

Nina points an accusatory finger at me. "What the hell is up with you, Brekker? First you lock Y/N up and then you disappear and stray off the plan."

I don't have time to talk about all of this right now. "It doesn't matter," I say, glancing down at the prison, watching the events of the night begin.

Inej speaks up as Jesper removes the rubber from her feet. "Actually, it does matter. You owe us an explanation. So give us one."

It seems that Inej is now the voice of reason since Y/N is gone. Why are my thoughts always going back to her? Focus.

I sigh. "I met with Pekka at his cell."

Everyone's face shows a look of surprise.

"Pekka is still alive?" Jesper asks.

"As far as I know, yes. Unless Y/N has had her way with him. I doubt that, though."

Now Wylan speaks up. "You saw Y/N there, too?"

I cast an annoyed glance at him. "No, I didn't. Pekka will do that for me."

Nina gasps. "You traitor! Y/N is one of us. If she dies in that cell, Brekker, I swear to all Saints I will-"

I put up a hand. "Back to the plan, Zenik, or you will be greeting your Saints instead."

Her hand twitches as if contemplating my demise. She knows she can't stop my heart. Not with the promised reward that I can help everyone get.

I contemplate how to get everyone inside of the party. Inej suggests that she and Nina go in with the Menagerie. I raise a brow at her.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Save your pity for someone who actually needs it, Brekker. If I am dying here, I am dying unafraid. Can you say the same?" She retorts.

The Red Ribbon {Kaz Brekker X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now