The Grisha Triumverate

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~ Kaz Pov ~

The sun rises earlier than I expected. I was up all night perfecting the final plan that will guarantee us all some profit for the shit we've been through.  I rise from the kitchen table, which clatters the empty coffee cups balancing on stacks of paperwork. The Crows have started to stir awake.

I walk over to Jesper and poke his side with my cane, then gently shake Inej's shoulder and tug on Y/N's braids. They all groan in protest and roll over, trying to get another hour of sleep. There is only one thing that will wake them up.

"Okay everyone, I made waffles this morning, but there is only one left. Who wants it?" I ask.

Sure enough, Nina practically jumps off of Matthias and bumps into Wylan, who looks disoriented from sleep. Jesper pushes Inej out of the way, and Y/N stands up to steady her. Perfect.

"You guys are too gullible. I don't ever even make waffles, I just steal some off of Y/N's plate," I say.

Y/N huffs. "And I don't even notice till they are gone."

I grin at her and then look at the Crows, now alert and ready for action. "Let's get some kruge."

In synchronization, they all groan and fall back onto the couches and piles of blankets they were sleeping on, protesting for more sleep before we begin business.

I hear Y/N's voice over everyone. "At least let us actually make some waffles before we talk about kruge."

I yawn. "Fine. And make some coffee while you're at it."

Inej inspects me closely. "Kaz, how many cups of coffee have you already had today?"

"Next question."

Y/N stands up and straightens my tie, then walks to the kitchen. "Saints, Kaz, did you even sleep last night?"

She observes my twelve empty coffee cups strewn about. I can practically feel my dark circles. But I don't care.

"I'll sleep when I'm dead," I say, shooting her a glance. She rolls her eyes with a grin before pulling out waffle ingredients.

Wylan stretches then gets up next, followed closely by Jesper. They both go to help Y/N in the kitchen. I tap my finger on the top of my cane. I hate waiting around doing nothing when I could be ruining lives. Not the lives of the people I am currently rooming with, of course. It is strange to admit, but I rather like their company. Ketterdam is going to feel empty once we all part ways, though I hope at least someone stays with me.

While Y/N pours flour and Wylan stirs, Jesper gets a spoon to taste the waffle batter, and makes a pained face upon tasting it. "Saints, Y/N, this is the most bland thing I've ever tasted."

"That is because we've only added flour and water, Jes," Y/N replies.

Wylan bats Jesper's hand away as he tries to dip his spoon in the bowl again, but that doesn't stop him. Y/N notices this and puts down the flour, and turns on the sink. An arc of water flows out and splashes right on Jesper's face.

"Hey! What was that for?" Jesper protests, wiping his face off with a towel.

"I thought you just said the waffle batter was bland."

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