Crows vs. Ketterdam

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~ Kaz Pov ~

"So here's the plan."

Jesper groans as he sits at the table. "Kaz, we just got Y/N back last night. Are we already diving head first into a new plan?"

"Didn't ask. I've been busy trying to save our asses. So, I invested all of the money that Pekka gave us. Where do you think it went?"

Wylan's jaw drops. "You invested all of our money?"

I sigh. "That's what I just said, isn't it? I'll ask again. Where do you think the money went?"

Jesper slings his revolvers. "Guns?"

Inej sits silently at the table. "Ships?"

Nina dusts a cookie with sugar. "Political bribes?"

Y/N taps the hilt of her knife. "Foreign affairs?"

All wrong answers. We all look to Matthias. Nina leans in towards him.

"This is where you tell us how terrible we are."

He shrugs. "They all seem like good guesses to me."

Nina gasps. "We've corrupted the Fjerdan."

Everyone laughs and I raise my hand to silence them and bring their focus back to the matter at hand.


Y/N takes the sugar bowl from Nina and slides it over to me. My eyebrows shoots up in surprise.

"Not for my coffee, dummy, but I appreciate the thought. I invested in sugar silos."

Y/N slides the sugar bowl back to Nina, who gladly accepts it.

Matthias crosses his arms. "I don't like the speculation."

I roll my eyes. "Of course not. You like things you can see. Like snow and benevolent tree gods."

Y/N kicks my foot from under the table. She hates when I make fun of religion. But I love to see the furrow in her brows when she gets riled. I give a little smirk her way and continue explaining the plan.

"Simply put, tomorrow we will destroy the sugar in Van Eck's silos with a chemical weevil that Wylan will make, and the price of sugar will go up."

Jesper snorts. "What is a weevil?"

"It will eat through the sugar and make it useless to use," Wylan explains.

Jesper contemplates this for a moment. "I say that we call it a Wy-vil. Get it?"

I am not amused, but everyone else at the table seems to be. Why do they get distracted so easily? I hit my cane on the ground to get their attention.

I continue once their eyes are on me again. "Wylan, you and Jesper will go tomorrow morning to get the ingredients for such. Do you know where to find it?"

Wylan nods eagerly. "Saint Hilde."

The place where his mother is supposedly buried. Of course. Though, he doesn't know that she is alive. He will figure that out soon enough. I nod to acknowledge his plan as Inej raises her hand.

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