The Ice Does Not Forgive.

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~ Y/N Pov ~

"Thanks for the ribbon, Kaz. And the coat," I say. The bitter wind has died down a bit and I can finally see. Kaz stands, staring at me like he has seen a ghost. And then, for a brief second, like he is seeing an enemy. His features go back to emotionless soon enough, and he walks past me without a word belowdecks. Weird. As soon as I get close with him, he pushes me away. Would I stay for that?

For the last two days of the journey, I continue practicing my tidemaking and start to see chunks of ice in the water. After struggling for minutes at a time, I can't seem to manipulate the frozen water. That doesn't make sense to me though. Ice is water, so I should be able to summon it like the tides. Maybe going to the Little Palace would be good for me.

On the morning of our arrival in Fjerda, Jesper knocks repeatedly on me and Inej's cabin door.

"What do you want, Jes?" I mumble, shoving my face into my pillow.

"There is land ahead. You need to see this," he replies. I can hear his footsteps bound away to the main deck.

Inej and I look at each other. This is it. These three, brutally long weeks are over. We are one step closer to reaching out goal. We head out to the main deck, wrapping ourselves in our coats. I still have Kaz's on. It is surprisingly comfortable.

When we get to the railing, Kaz is analyzing the terrain ahead of us carefully. He notices us standing there, and gets us wool coats to put on for the trek to Djelholm. I offer Kaz his jacket back and he quickly takes it, keeping his eyes on the ice. He seems on edge, more so than usual. I don't blame him; trekking through Fjerda is going to be rough.

The ship arrives at shore and we all get what we need for the heist. Our seven member crew finally touches our feet to solid ground. Matthias mumbles prayers of relief, Wylan wraps himself up tighter in his coat, and Nina surveys the land. We are all glad to be off that damned boat.

"Get moving, everyone, we've got places to be," Kaz orders, pushing past us all to he in the front of the group. I don't know where he gets the energy to walk this fast. I fall towards the back of the group with Wylan and Jes and make conversation.

"So what's it like being a merchant's son?" I ask.

Wylan's eyes dart to his shoes. "Fine. I guess. I ran away from home a while ago."

My jaw drops. I know that the merchant's in Ketterdam can be corrupt, but to their own sons? What could have possibly happened to Wylan to where he ran away from a mansion?

"Well, where do you want to go when we get our cash reward?" I question, changing the subject a bit.

He thoughtfully considers this question. "Maybe somewhere where I can blow up as much stuff as possible."

"If only the Fold were still around," I retort, imagining Wylan setting off bombs in the darkness.

Jesper laughs. "He would've definitely given Alina Starkov a run for her money, that's for sure. Wylan Van Sunshine. The volcra would cower upon hearing your name."

Wylan turns red slightly. There is a glint in his eyes when he looks at Jesper. They need to just get together already. They'll figure it out eventually.

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