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Zoey's POV:

Why was he here? She thought. Jay walked over and sat down behind her in the bleachers. 

"Hey Zo, how's it been, he asks."

 Zoey took a deep breath and said "It's going. Surprised to see you show up on such a campus which is for us "low class" using air quotes as she spoke".

 Just as Jay began to respond CK came over to them." Hey, you two" CK said. It is good to see you and see you two can speak civilized. It was all Zoey could do to not scream and roll her eyes and yell at him. CK knew the bad blood between her and Jay and yet he still stooped to this low. CK continued, "The team will be arriving on campus tomorrow morning and a few in the afternoon. We are helping with getting them checked in and moved in, and then we will have our first meeting tomorrow evening in the field. You each will have a list of players I will need you to ensure their rooms are checked before they arrive, and you take them to their room, have them sign for their keys, complete a room agreement and inventory, and return it to you before giving them their itinerary for the weeks ahead. For those who bring families along, you will give them directions for parking and assist them where you can make their move-in process painless. Jay, since you are living on campus this year, we are going to walk over and do a quick run-through. This way you two can work through whatever it is that took you two from thick as thieves to absolute enemies and so tomorrow everything will run as smooth as oil on a baby's butt.

 Zoey and Jay both shook their heads as this was the type of analogy CK often pulled out. Guess with a new baby in the house this is probably one he now understands.

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