~The Letters~

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Zoey POV:

With a look of confusion, Zoey asked "CK this was not my plan." Then CK handed Zoey a letter in an envelope with Grams's handwriting on the front. Zoey felt her heart race and anxiety wash over him and a panic attack instantly started. "I need to go sit down, I need to go, I need...," Zoey said as her hands began to tremble. CK told her to "go into the suite, find your room, and then sit down and read. I'm here if you need me but we both know you've got this."

Zoey and Jay enter their suites. Jay found his room and began going through the checklist step by step, all while thinking "This is not how this was supposed to be. I hate that she is mad at me. I miss her. Not that I would tell her that, although I do. This is a hard enough situation but now living on campus side by side, it is going to be harder than ever and unfortunately not going to happen in a day.

Zoey on the other hand, sat down crying scared to open the letter. Why did Gram write her a letter and not just tell her whatever this said? They talked about everything and anything. The last morning at the beach, she thought everything was said and Gram was at peace. What was she scared to tell her that she had to write in a letter? This made Zoey very anxious.

She opened the letter and it said,

   "My dearest sweet Zoey,

           I know this is a shock to get this letter handed to you from Christian. I know you and Christian and Jay grew up together in the same town and church and although he is a few years older, he has always been like a big brother to you. When I found out that my time on this earth was limited, I wrote this letter. I had a meeting with my lawyer to ensure that you were to be taken care of and that things were going to be ok. I knew Christian could get you and Jay back talking again. I know, you know, what I told you years ago about you two being destined for each other and I still feel that deep in my soul, even if it is for the support and friendship you both have cherished so very much.  I miss seeing you two hang out and be happy. Two peas in a pod. Do not worry, Christian does not know what this says. I have set aside arrangements for you to live on campus and have a car. It will be at the house this afternoon when you return home. Christian will give you a keychain with two keys, one for the house which has been paid in full and is now owned by you as well as the car. My lawyer Eddie has the title and insurance for both the house and the car if you ever need those.

I want you to have the experiences, the friends, the fun, of a normal college kid. I know this is a little weird, but you will always have a home a few blocks away if you need it as a safe haven when the anxiety is too much. Take deep breaths, my dear girl, find your place of comfort and happiness, and don't let the panic and anxiety take over your life. Remember you are not alone. You have friends you love and want to be there with and for you if you don't push them away.

Sweetie, this is not my last letter to you. I am proud of all you have become and all you will do. You are my sweet smart loving caring girl. Follow your dreams. Follow your heart.

I love you and I am with you always, to the moon and back!


Zoey did not know what to think or do. All she wanted to do was curl up in a ball and cry, but she wanted to do so at home, not in an empty dorm room. She completed the checklist and marked the room she was claiming as her own, and with tears in her eyes, she carried it back out to CK. '

"Z" are you ok?" Jay asked.

"It's not like you care. I have to go if this is all we are doing today," she cried and quickly walked towards the home where she felt safe. As soon as she walked into the house, she slammed the door and ran up the stairs throwing herself onto her bed and crying. She was exhausted because she had fallen asleep, and it was now 3:30 in the afternoon and CK and Jay had left her several messages. Jays just said, "Are u, ok?" CK's message said "I know you need time, and this was not the original plan you had in mind. I think it will be good. You do not have to stay there all the time, but you can. Take the time you need and bring some things to get settled and moved in tonight so you will be ready for tomorrow. If you need to talk, Casea and I are here. Go talk to him.  He misses you and you miss him too. You know I am right!"

Zoey sent CK a quick note "Thanks. Will see you tomorrow morning. I will work on getting settled and make a good impression and make you proud, Dad. Lol!" She put her phone down and got busy.

Zoey then grabbed a box and put a bottle of water, clothes, pillows, sheets, blankets, toiletries, a charger for a phone, the extra TV, and a light out of the guest room. She also remembered there was a mini-fridge on the porch that Gram used for extra water bottles, so she grabbed that as well. She loaded them into the car Gram had Eddie buy for her. It was not anything fancy, but it was new to her, and she was thankful. The car was a Nissan Altima that had been previously owned. From what Eddie has said, it was leased and had to be sold as used even with less than 2000 miles. Zoey was not arguing, and she was very thankful- even though she did not mind walking either. After everything was loaded, she locked the house, grabbed a few snacks and drinks to keep in her room, and made her back over to campus.

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