~Jealous much~

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After practice, the team came inside so that a few could see the trainers, get ice, or check their wrappings.

Zoey gathered all the water bottles and took them to be washed and sterilized for the next day. Bryan graciously offered to help her carry the bottle wrack and cooler and she accepted the help. They laughed about the silly split that Jones did and how he always seemed to be showing off for the cheerleaders who were practicing on the edge of the field. Although he said it was on purpose, they both think his split probably hurt and was more accidental and just something that happened and was easy to the playoff. Not that Jones needed to show off, he was an upperclassman known for his parties and all the girls hanging on him. Once they got to the gym, Zoey thanked Bryan as he turned to leave. As he was on his way out, he paused and said, "a few of us are going to watch a movie tonight in the suite if you want to come over." Zoey smiled and said "maybe, I'm kind of tired. This heat has worn me out, but maybe. Can you text me the time or whenever you guys are starting it?" Bryan nodded and turned.

As he walked, Bryan thought to himself, she is sweet and different from girls he has met before. He really hoped she would come to hang out tonight.

When Bryan got to the suite, he went in to take a shower and decided he was not really hungry. For some reason, he just could not get that girl out of his head, and thinking about her was familiar, and she made him smile. About that time, someone knocked on his door. It was Jones. "Dude, we're having a party across the street at Tom and Rhus's house. Everyone is invited. Lots of girls, booze, games, it will be wild."

Bryan looked at the floor, and back up at Jones, "thanks for the invite. I am kind of tired and have already made plans. If something changes maybe."

Jones heckles Bryan saying "look if ya want to sit here jacking off that's fine, but there will be some fine ass there tonight and heck you can even bring your girlfriend or boyfriend. I am not one to judge. Stephan is bringing his boy toy." Jones laughs and walks off. Bryan shakes his head and walks into his room and closes the door.

Zoey on her way back to her dorm passes Jones. Jones hollers, "party at Rhus's at 9. Come out and we can fool around some." Zoey rolled her eyes and turned away and did not give Jones the benefit of a response.

Jones has been a hot-headed prep who is arrogant and cocky. He is also a player and has been as long as she can remember.

Zoey went in and showered and lay down on the bed enjoying the air conditioning, the fan, and almost fell asleep when her cell phone rang.


"Hey, Zoey. It is Bryan but I guess the caller ID told you that. Everyone has decided to go to Tom and Rhus's house to the party at 9 instead of watching a movie. I had not planned to go but if you want to go then we can make an appearance.

Zoey did not care about parties as it was not her scene. "Go ahead, you go to the party and have fun. I'm going to just hang around here figuring out classes for registration on Monday."

Bryan responded "I need to do that too. What if we both walk over to the party and then Jones cannot say we did not come. Then we can disappear and come back here and watch a movie or figure out course registration if that's really what you want to do on a Friday night."

Zoey thinks for a minute. "I guess that's ok. I hadn't planned to go, but you're right, if we don't go, we will never hear the end of it."

Smiling to himself, Bryan responds, probably too eagerly, "Cool I'll come by, and we can walk over together in about 10."

Zoey smiled, "Ok, see ya then."

Bryan took a deep breath and thought, well this was not the plan, but I guess we can still hang out just in a different place and with a different plan. Bryan changed into his jeans and a button-up short-sleeve royal blue shirt. He put on a dab of cologne and walked over to Zoey's suite and knocked on the door. Bryanna came to the door and let him in on her way out the door. Bryan knocked on Zoey's door frame as the door was already open.

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