~Spring Semester~

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    Zoey arrived back on campus and went straight to her new apartment. She liked that it had a balcony facing the campus, and she liked that it was across the street, so she did not have far to walk in the morning.

She unpacked her stuff from the beach house, began getting together her things for class in the morning, when she received a text from Melody.

Melody: Hey girl how was your break? You should come by sometime so we can hang out. I did not know you moved out until Bryan came by looking for you and then a few minutes after that, so did Jay.
Zoey:  Sorry, I did not want to make a big deal out of it. I decided to move off campus was better since I was staying so busy, I did not want to be in and out of the suite and disturb anyone. I think was in class, at the gym, or in the library more than even in my room. It just made more sense to let someone else have it since there was a waiting list for the Spring Semester.
Melody: You were not disturbing any of us. You should come by the bar sometime and we can hang out if ya want.  Both Bryan and Jay said they would catch ya later, but they both ran into each other as one was leaving as the other was coming in. Do not know what that was all about but thought you should know.
Zoey: Thanks for letting me know.

Zoey sighed and was not sure if she should reach out to either one or let them message her. She thought about it and decided that they both knew how to message her, so she would wait to hear from them when or if they needed anything.

Monday morning classes came exceedingly early, especially after being away and off for the holiday. Zoey made her way to class. As she sat down in the room, she noticed Melody in the back next to Jay and Jonesy. Melody waved and Jay smiled. As she sat down, Bryan came in and asked, "Is this seat taken?"  Zoey smiled, "Yep, by you. Have a seat. How are you?"  Bryan smiled, "I'm ok now thanks."  Just then the professor came in and class began.

The professor although funny, the voice was one of those where you could easily fall asleep by the lull of his tone. Thankfully, this course is one where you meet outside of class once every two weeks to discuss a passage or a book and then the notes are sent to the student emails so the professor is not reading you what you should be reading and studying. So far Zoey liked this idea, as it meant not getting up so early for class and she studied better on her own. The meeting at the professor's backyard which just so happened to be across the street, she figured would be interesting, to say the least.

Now that class was over, she was on the way out the door when Bryan came over and said, "I came by your room to talk to you, but one of your suitemates said you moved out or dropped out."

Zoey," Yeah, I realized with the waitlist, I could move off campus and get more done and save a room for someone else and be out of the way."

Bryan, "Out of the way?"
Zoey, "well out of the way is not the word I should use. I found myself going off-campus to think, study, and the bed in the rooms is miserable. Hard as a rock. Anyway, I am surprised you even noticed."

Bryan rolled his eyes," yeah I am sorry I have been in a bad place.  Can't promise I won't go back there but I think it was all about the holidays being around."

Zoey, "Holidays can suck I get it, but when someone reaches out, you can be thankful and accept it or find a way to respond that doesn't require fists and blood and anger. I tried to reach out, but you shut me out and it was too hard to reach you with the distance you put everyone at. Heck, even Jay was concerned and called me to check on you."

Bryan, "yeah sorry."

They walked out of the classroom and Zoey said, "I am free until 11 so I am going to get out of here for a while."  Bryan replied, "my next class is at 11 as well. Want some company? Maybe grab some coffee at the dining hall or the student center?"

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