~Course Registration~

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Zoey woke up early. She already had her courses planned out. She had an appointment with her advisor at 8:00 so she wanted to be there early. She took a quick shower in hopes of getting out of the bathroom before any of the other suitemates needed in the bathroom. She grabbed her stuff and left for the dining hall. In the dining hall, she grabbed a glass of apple juice, and a bagel for her walk over to meet with her advisor.

When Zoey arrived at the registrar, she found an exceedingly long line of students waiting. She figured there were at least 75 students already in line and it was only 830. Normally, registration is done online.  Since there was a fire over the summer in one of the main server rooms, linked to the registrar's files and programs, the system crashed over and over, over the summer.  Now they changed programs and everything went haywire it seemed. We all had to check our registration with the registrar in case it was dropped or missing since they now have the systems back up and going. She thought she was doing good to be there early, but evidently, she was not the only one. Since she had time to wait, she put on her headphones to listen to music sat on the ground, and waited and moved as the line made its way to the registrar. By 1015 Zoey had finally made it to the registrar.

Now that Zoey had her registration taken care of, she now needed to go to the bookstore to get her books, supplies, and maybe a few things for her room. As she was leaving, she caught Bryan and Jay in line together out of the corner of her eye. She decided she did not want to know if they were now best friends or what they were talking about, but she hoped they settled their differences since they would be around each other daily at practice.

The bookstore was remarkably busy. An older woman gave each student a sheet to write down book needs, and a work-study student would get the books and have them waiting at the register. Zoey grabbed some school shorts and a sweatshirt and figured she would grab other school supplies when she ran out later. She headed to the register, paid for her books and clothing, and headed out.

As she was leaving, she passed Bryan, Jay, Jones, Tom, Rhus, Jennifer, Melody, and someone else she did not recognize. "Hey, Zoey. Is it super nuts in there?" called Melody. Zoey was caught off guard and turned around making eye contact with both Jennifer and Jay, then looked toward Melody and responded "Nah. I was surprised. It is busy but they have it down to a science. You can tell this is something they are used to doing. It did not take me more than about 20 minutes. Good luck."

Melody thanked her and invited Zoey to meet them for lunch in the dining all at 12:30.

Zoey thanked Melody for the offer but asked for a raincheck as she had already made prior plans.

They continued into the bookstore and Zoey headed towards the dorm. She did notice Bryan turn to look at her after she walked past them, and he quickly turned back around when he saw her looking.

(more to come...if you think it's worth more reading)

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