~New Job, New Beginning~

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Zoey got up early, finished packing and her laundry. She washed her sheets and put them on the bed so they would be clean when she returned. She put away the clean dishes, packed her computer, and some of the things she may need once she arrived in Bridgeport. She also grabbed some items she would need in her new office. As she got everything together, she loaded her car, watered her plants, locked up, and headed out. Since courses would start and she was not sure how crazy things would be with a new job, she went ahead and made a stop at the bookstore for her books for the upcoming term. As she walked into the library, she ran into Melody who caught Zoey off guard when she ran up and hugged her and said,

"Hey, babe! How are you? I owe you a thank you."

Zoey pulled back from her and with a very inquisitive look said, "A thank you. Ok, I will bite. What's up?"

Melody smiled, "Jay came over last night. He said you told him to come over because he was at your place. He told me he had been in a bad place and thought I was cute and sweet but every relationship he has been in backfires, and he had given up on it. I am not sure what you said but thank you."

Zoey signed. "To be completely honest, I knew you liked him. When he got your text, he was hesitant. He kissed me, and I about hit him (she laughs) because I was not sure what the hell he was thinking.  Then he explained every relationship had ended and they blamed him for being in love with me which he and I both know is not the case. You and I had even talked about it when you asked me what was going on with us and told me you liked him. You even asked my permission to ask him out which you never did which confused me until he told me he was scared you would blame him for being stuck on me just like the others had said. He did not want to risk your heart or his own and had to know. Trust me the kiss was proof we are friends and there is no passion there. He said he could see himself falling for you and was scared."

Melody hugged her again, "Thank you for sharing that with me. He told me all of that and we agreed to take it easy and hang out as friends first and see where things go from there. Thank you for being a friend to us both. It means the world. (Glancing down at her phone, I need to run, or I am going to be late. It was good to see you. Have a wonderful day."

Zoey giggled grabbed her books loaded the car and headed out. She was nervous and excited all at the same time. She had an appointment with her new mentor at the Little Starfish, a small family-owned restaurant out on the boardwalk, and she was running behind. She would have to skip stopping at the cottage first, and just leave everything loaded in the car for later.

As she pulled into town, she passed the firehouse and police department and waves of emotion washed over her. She wanted to stop, to see her friends, but the way things were left she was not sure that she would receive a warm welcome.

She pulled into the parking lot at The Little Starfish. It was an unbelievably cute older building that had obviously been there a long time, a fixture on the boardwalk. She went inside and let the hostess know she was meeting someone and was seated at a table and told that her appointment was running late and would be in shortly.  She ordered water and looked around while she waited. There were nets, crab pots, buoys, and family photos on the wall and around the room. She could see out the side window to the dock where there were boats who brought in the seafood fresh daily. Mmm seafood. Real seafood, it had been a long time since she had some good authentic...her thoughts were interrupted when a young nicely dressed gentleman came in and introduced himself as Ephram, her new mentor.

They sat there and discussed the job, she completed some new employee basic paperwork and continued to discuss the plans as far as the job was concerned. Zoey was so focused on the paperwork, the conversation with Mr. Ephram, that she did not see Bryan and another female individual walk in and sit down at a table nearby.

Zoey did not see them, nor did Bryan. Her heart raced but she tried to focus on the meeting with Ephram. She was not ready to cross that bridge yet. Thankfully, he and the woman he was with, grabbed their food to go.

Zoey and Ephram finished, and both stood up to leave when Ephram handed Zoey a file folder which he dropped as he handed it to her. Ephram, Zoey crouched on the floor to pick up the papers when Zoey looked up and made eye contact. Ephram apologized saying "I guess I am nervous.  You are the first person I am mentoring, and it was an honor they chose me. Guess I am a little jittery." She smiled from the corner of her mouth then followed Ephram out to their separate cars. Zoey as she got into her car, "I am the one who should be nervous not you. You are off to a good start," and bid him adieu. She then drove to the cottage to unload the car and open a glass of wine as the night had been long and she was ready to wind down before tomorrow.

Zoey pulled into the cottage and saw Carl had been to open the pool and to ensure the house was ready. He had always been such a wonderful caretaker and friend to Gram. She carried everything inside, set the alarm, put clean sheets on the bed, put on a pair of shorts and a tank top. Now she was comfy. Now to get that much-needed glass of wine. With wine in hand, she grabbed a blanket and sat down on the deck to soak up the moonlight and the stars and listen to the waves crashing upon the sand.

Zoey finished her wine carried the glass inside and headed to bed as the morning would come early and full of many new things to focus on. As she lay in bed, she tossed and turned and could not get the image of Bryan out of her head. The look in his eyes when he would look at her, the touch of his hand on hers, the way her heart raced. She told herself, "Zoey, nothing you can do about that right now. It is late and he probably has not thought about you again after you left.  He will be off to school soon and will not know you are gone. Tomorrow is a big day. Get some sleep so you are not dragging tomorrow."

The alarm went off and Zoey hit the snooze button and turned over hoping for more sleep. Then the alarm went off on her phone, so she knew it was time to get up and get moving.

Zoey got dressed in a nice pantsuit she had purchased for today, grabbed her laptop and bag. She made a cup of coffee and headed out the door for her first day at work.

A paid internship her now Junior year. It was good she had taken so many courses in High School and Freshman year that had put her so far ahead. This job would pave the way for so many things, for a new beginning.

The first day of the internship went well. Lots of new things to learn, but she thought she would enjoy some of the freedoms that came with the job. She would be visiting local businesses and building partnerships for events that would be held during the year. She was excited as well as a little nervous but was looking forward to the challenge.

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