~Breakfast and Practice~

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Zoey's POV:

The next morning, I decided to skip breakfast. I knew it was mandatory, but I would grab something before going down to practice. Since CK said to take as much time as I needed, I was taking advantage of that time to make breakfast.  Then I would go down to the locker rooms and get the cooler, and water bottles, and help the athletic trainers as much as they needed as well.

On the field, CK said," Well it is good to see you made it."  When I look up, I roll my eyes and finish what I am doing. Why he was acting like a bratty brother aggravated her and she understood he was her boss in this role, but it did not make it easier. I know it did not help her rolling her eyes like a bratty kid either, but if he did not want her to take some time, he should not have offered it.

The team all began arriving. Bryan walked up behind me and said "Hey what happened to you last night? What did he do?" 
 I gave him a raised-eye look and responded "What do you mean what did he do? Something just came up and I had to go."  Bryan shook his head and walked away wanting to ask more about it, but knowing it was none of his business and he should walk away and give her space. He also knew he had too much going on in his head to want to deal with anything else right now.

Coach worked with the team on drills and practice, and then as they were running laps, he spent time talking to the Athletic trainer.  I overheard some of the conversations and heard that Bryan was no longer going to be doing soccer after today's practice, but would be the full-time athletic trainer for the team. I am not sure what all that meant or was about,  but it was not my business or my problem.

As I went to take water to some of the guys, the athletic trainer as well as Bryan, came over to check on Jones. Jones, also known as Jonesy, was too busy showing off running and just did a split on the field. It looked quite painful. Some of the other guys said he did a "ball breaker."  He said he was fine and meant to do that. Jones checked out ok by the trainers and was back up acting the fool.

Thankfully, the practice continued, and the Coach went over positions. The team captains were, of course, Jones and Zeke. The goalie was Jay, and the team athletic trainer was Bryan, effective today.

Note: Trying to make some updates to this, so if you have read this far, let me know your thoughts.  I will work to get this updated. soon.  Have a great week. :)

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