~A Friend to Listen~

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Zoey drove out to the diner which did not seem like it was halfway since it did not make her even a full hour to get there and she was not speeding. When she walked into the diner, she could understand why Bryan was acting so overprotective. Probably good Jay did not she was there, or he would have demanded he come with her and wait in the car.  As she began looking around, an older man walked up behind her put his hand on her waist, and said "Hey honey. Did you know? Are you working or looking to meet someone?"  Zoey started to feel very anxious and think maybe she should have brought Bryan, when she heard, "Mack, leave her alone, she is with me."

Mack turned around looked down and said "Boss, it's so good to see you. Damn you look good. Long time no sees. So, are you back?"

She was so happy to hear Colin's voice. "Hey Colin, Zoey found her courage and voice to say."  She felt relieved and still not really thrilled about being there. It did not help that she forgot her phone in the car and went back to get it to send Bryan a message to say she arrived safely.

Colin looked around, spoke to a few people, realizing it was a lot busier than he had planned and not the same quiet diner he remembered. "Hey, thanks for meeting me. I did not realize it had gotten to this around here. I can see if there is somewhere else to go chat."

Zoey thought for a minute, "Whatever is comfortable for you. If nothing else, you said this was halfway, but I know it barely took me an hour to get here, so we can go to my house and the coffee is free, and the bikers, truckers, and noise, well she pauses, they are not."

Colin smiles, "You know what, that sounds fine with me. Are you ok with me grabbing some beer?"

Zoey responds, "that's fine as long as you don't drink it until we get to the house, and you plan to stay in the guestroom or on the couch as I don't want you driving after drinking."

Colin agrees, and they head out to the parking lot. Zoey gives Colin the address and they agree to meet at the house. Zoey was feeling exhausted and slowing down but was relieved to be going back to the house, and not sitting at the noisy diner which seemed to be more like a bar or pool hall.

As they walked in the house, Zoey told Colin, "Make yourself at home, get comfy, whatever works.  Can I get you some coffee?" 

Colin smiles, "relax. I know I was an ass the last time we saw each other, and I will not say I am much better, but I figured I at least owe you an apology. Pops said I needed to be thankful I have a friend who is still willing to listen to me and I guess as much as I hate the thought, Pops is right and I have been in this mess or rut for way too long and lost way too much, no including my legs."  He then begins to laugh.

Zoey is not sure if he is serious or not or if she should be laughing. Colin could see she was uncomfortable and said "Zoey, I am joking. I have at least been able to do that now. Anyhow, come on. I need the girl who brings me out of this mess who laughs at my stupid and corny jokes and is interested in my stories.' As Zoey began to relax and smile, Colin shifted over to the couch from his wheelchair, sitting next to Zoey.

Colin looked at Zoey and smiled, nudging her with a gentle elbow. "Thank you."

Zoey smiled, "What are you thanking me for? I haven't done anything but tell ya to relax and make yourself at home."

Colin smiled, "Actually we have been laughing and I have been more relaxed in the last two hours than I have been in over a year. I am also sober as well as not high, which to be honest, has not occurred since this happened either. So, thank you again. This is more than the ones who call me a friend, or at least used to, have done. My best friend no longer speaks to me and blames me for this."

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