~Team Arrival~

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Authors Note:

I apologize as I have been doing some updates when I have time after work and in the evenings.  I am trying to stay on top of it so if you get to a clunky part that I have not edited yet, I apologize.

Feel free to comment. If I need to add in something to make it "pop" or give it some "pizzaz" let me know.


Zoey's POV:

Zoey woke up early, got dressed, ate an energy bar, and decided to go for a walk until time to meet CK and Jay at the gym for registration and check-in.

At 9 am, Zoey made her way over to the gym to get the details for move-in and registration from CK. He handed her the check-in sheets and keys for all the individuals moving in today and asked her to take them back over to the dorms where Jay would be waiting with a table set up outside for registration.

When Zoey got back over to the dorms, Jay had a table and two chairs set up and he had grabbed them each a bottle of water. Zoey showed Jay what they had to work with. "I think we need to put the keys in numerical order, so we are not sorting through them. Then when someone brings back the check-in inventory signed, we can give them their room key to match the room they chose."

 "And this is why you are the brains, and I am just here for looks and maybe some muscle" Jay joked.

By 9:30 students began to arrive. As Zoey checked them in, Jay showed them to their suite.  He asked them to complete the inventory for their room and when they brought it back, we would give them their room keys. By 12:30, there were football, softball, lacrosse, wrestling, frisbee, cheerleading, soccer, volleyball, tennis, golf, baseball, and softball players checking in, as well as residential advisors (RA) for each building of suites who had not already checked in yesterday around the same time as Jay and Zoey.

Around 2:00, Coach Liam and Coach Jonah both coaches of the girls and guys lacrosse teams came over to relieve Jay and Zoey. "Coach Liam announced, "Show us your routine, and then you guys need to head over to the dining hall to meet with Coach Kenan (Christian/CK) and we will take over for you here."

Zoey and Jay quickly explained what they needed to do and then headed over to the dining hall.

Coach K advised them to grab lunch and meet him over at a table to chat and plan. The coach explained Jay was both helping as an athletic trainer as well as playing so most of the helping and assisting was going to be in Zoey's hands.

Zoey was glad to hear she would not have to be working with Jay as much which meant not rehashing the pain and drama that caused the burning of friendships and bridges.

After lunch, Zoey met the soccer teams and CK down on the field. Coach introduced himself and everyone. As Coach was making introductions Zoey could tell this was going to be interesting as there were already a few class clowns who made sure everyone knew who they were, and they were the upper-class students. Zoey tried hard to stifle her groan and eye roll but not enough as one of the players looked over at her and smiled and said "Yep."

Coach announced that they would meet every morning for breakfast and a moment of silence to be used to prepare their mind and body. They could stretch, watch the sunrise, pray, do yoga, meditate, or use the time to reflect. There would be some fun activities but there would also be some hard work and practices that may go long. The coach said he expected to see everyone at breakfast tomorrow in the dining hall at 7 am with a water bottle and tennis shoes. After one of the upper-class students joked, that he would be there in his birthday suit and tennis shoes with his water bottle in hand, the coach had to say please wear appropriate clothing for the day i.e., shorts and t-shirts which brought on lots of laughter before the coach dismissed us for the night.

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