~Campus Move In~

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Authors Note:

Sorry, this is a little bit of rambling to get to the point.  It will be a bit longer and give you some added insight.  

This is the first one I wrote and it started a long long time ago, and finally came together during Covid.  Just took me a little bit longer to have the nerve to post it here.

Be honest.

I apologize for any grammatical errors. I did leave a reference area for any pictures i use as I do not own any of them outright and do not want to steal someone work.



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Zoeys POV:

Zoey arrived back at the dorm(picture above). She knows they are suites, but they almost seem more like a small hotel or apartment. She carried her things into the building. Since she had not originally planned to live on campus it only took her three trips to and from the car, and thankfully she did not run into Jay. After her final trip to the car, she locked the car and went to get her room settled.  After all, she promised CK she would make a good impression.

As she was finishing making her bed, she heard a knock at the main door to the suite. She went to the door and opened it. It was Jay. "Hey. I just wanted to check on you since it's just us and a handful of others here tonight." Zoey looking at the ground said, "Yeah I'm fine thanks." As Jay was turning to walk away, just as Zoey was about to close the door, Jay put his hand out to stop the door from closing and said "Actually Z, can we please talk? I miss you. I miss us. I know I made some big mistakes and those are choices I will have to live with and find a way to make up for them, that is if you will let me." Zoey did not feel like a fight right now and was exhausted. She knew she was hurt and right now she knew she needed to give him time to talk but right now she was just not up for it. "Some other time Jay. I am exhausted and just want to rest as tomorrow is going to be a busy and hot day. Sorry. Oh, and have a good night." She said as she closed the door.

Zoey went back to her room in the suite took out a dry-erase board and hung it on her door with her name decoratively stenciled on it. She got out clothes for tomorrow and decided to lay down and watch a movie in hopes of falling asleep, so she would be ready for the morning.



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