~Breakfast and Soccer Day One~

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As the alarm went off, Zoey groaned and turned back over hoping for another few minutes of slumber, but her phone immediately went off with a text from CK.

Can you meet me a few minutes early? I have an activity planned first thing and I want you to be part of it so that the team will get to know and trust you as I do.

Zoey responded, "Sure give me like ten and I'll be there."

Zoey got up, got dressed, and grabbed her water bottle filled with ice knowing it would melt in the day's heat. She grabbed her sports sack which had a first aid kit, towel, and extra change of socks. She was then quickly out the door and made the short jog over to the dining hall where she found CK at a group of tables that had been pushed together.

Good morning CK Zoey said. Good morning, Zoey, CK replied. Go ahead and grab some breakfast before the natives get here and run you down. We will see who can follow directions this morning.

Zoey grabbed some breakfast but did not want too much on her stomach in the heat. As she sat down, CK began today we are going to do a scavenger hunt. I am going to pair you with someone who is not from around here as I want it to be fair but to also allow others to see what a great asset to this team you are. Also, did you and Jay make nice?"  Zoey rolled her eyes and said not really but we are cordial. It is fine. I know you tried. Please leave it alone for now. If it is supposed to be straight it will be when the time is right. I am just not ready to forgive right now."

CK, said "ok. I know there are some I do not know or understand and for now, I will trust you. You know I feel like your big brother?  Oh, by the way, I need to ask you something serious?"

Zoey became extremely nervous. Ck handed her a small box and asked her to open it. Inside was a locket and necklace with a note inside that said, Will you be my God mom Zoey, with the most precious picture of Lorelei Odette Keenan. She was so tiny and precious with her tiny fingers and toes and her smile."  Zoey felt tears run down her face as she reached over to hug CK's neck. So, She then smiled and said "Big Bro, you didn't need to ask, of course. I am honored and you have made my day! So, when can I finally meet my Goddaughter?"  Christian smiled and said, "How about tonight as the final piece of the scavenger hunt will end at the house where Casea and I plan to have everyone for a cookout and a movie." Zoey giggled and sat with a happy grin as some of the team members began to show up at the table with their breakfast.

As the team ate, Coach stood and announced that the first thing after breakfast we were going to go down to the field for some meditation and reflection and then begin with some warm-ups. He reminded everyone to fill their water bottles if they had not and grab a piece of fruit for a snack for energy later. The team finished eating and slowly one-by-one made their way down to the field.

The coach had everyone take a knee to sit and explain what the meditation, prayer, and moment of silence were about. He explained it was a time to think their and reflect on their goals, their positive mindset for the day, pray if they feel led to do so, be respectful of those who do, and from time to time be respectful of devotion or passage that may be shared.

The coach then had everyone stand up for dynamic warm-up locomotive drills. He announced you should all be happy we are doing them in lines this week as we will add some challenges in the weeks ahead. He showed them a large dry-erase board with a list of daily drills he expects done. The board listed 10 repetitions to begin Forward Jogging, Backward Jogging, Side Shuffles, Skipping With Backward Arm-circles, Backward Skipping, Sideways Skipping, Grapevine/Carioca, Sideways Jumping Jacks, High Kicks, Inside Touches, High Knees, Butt Kickers, Two Foot Jumps, Single-Leg Hops, Leapfrog, Forward Lunges, Backwards Lunges, Sideways Lunges, Lunges With A Twist, Knee To Chest Stretch, Quad Stretch, Toe Touches, Bear Crawls, Crab Walk, 50% Jog, 75% Run, and then a 100% Sprint.  Zoey felt exhausted just looking at it. She knew she was not expected to be at every practice or game and was there right now as both to help Coach until Assistant Coach Mathias arrived on campus in a few weeks. Even then she would be needed some but not at all the practices and games.

As the team completed their drills, Coach had them all sit-down and stretch as he talked. "I know this is just the first day and some of you have not been this active since you played last year or since you graduated. I see some nods and some glazed eyes, so you know I am right. When we get done, you are all going to take 5 laps around the field, then you are going to grab your gear, make your way to your rooms and shower, and meet me in the dining hall for lunch at 12:30 with your water bottle, comfortable shoes for walking, and appropriate clothing to be in the community representing the college and the team.  This means you guys too, Tom and Jones."

    "Yes coach," they echoed.

Everyone began their laps and quickly one by one began making it off the field toward their dorms. Zoey carried the dry-erase board and clipboard pushed the cooler cart back to the gym to wash it and put the other materials in the coach's office. Then she started of the building and headed to her dorm to shower but decided to take a turn and go to the house for a little bit.

At the house, she took a shower, and put on a cute midriff crop top that goes with a cute pair of overalls Gram had bought her. She decided to throw on a bit of makeup, and her jewelry, fill her water bottle, check the mail, water the plants, and head back to campus to meet everyone for lunch.

Authors Notes:
Mades this far with updates.  Fingers crossed you are still with me.

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