~Afternoon escape~

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              Zoey decided she would take Kev, on taking a break. As was said, she was not getting paid, or credit, or doing this for any reason other than Kev had asked her to help him out probably out of pity. Oh well, it did not matter. She needed to take some time for herself, some time to think and get her mind, body, and heart ready for the school year.

             Zoey made her way over to the dorms. She put her things in her suite and then left to drive around and run errands.

            First, Zoey stopped by the church to drop off some items that she had gathered for the rummage sale. Then, she stopped at the drug store to grab her prescriptions and decided to grab a few notebooks, folders, and writing utensils. As she got back to the car, she decided she needed to clear her head. She put gas in the car, grabbed a coffee, and drove east towards the beach. She knew it would be busy and crazy, but she knew she needed to just sit and think and have time to herself listening to the waves. Zoey called Carl; the caretaker of the small cottage Gram had been taking Zoey to since she was little to see if it was available. Carl said he was heading out of town with his family but would leave the key for her in the lockbox and there was also a letter there for her from Gram. Gram had mailed it to him and asked that Carl hold onto it until Zoey made a trip or call about coming out.

             The entire drive Zoey wondered what was in the letter from Gram. How did she know to send a letter to Carl or that she would even drive to the beach? So many thoughts going through her head and the drive was just dragging on increasingly. She realized why she did not like road trips but was thankful that she was almost in town. She decided she would stop off at the store and grab a few snacks, drinks, and simple foods that were shelf-stable to get her through her visit.

               When she arrived at the cottage, she got the key from the lockbox and went inside. As soon as she entered the cottage it was like a sudden shock to her system and the wave of emotions that washed over her caught her by surprise. She did not expect to feel this anxiousness, this feeling of loss, and completely alone. The last time she was here was with Gram when she passed away so peacefully watching the families on the beach and listening to the ocean as the sun was rising. She was thankful for the local fire department as they came and had one of their paramedics allow Gram to pass on her terms. That meant more to Gram and Zoey even though it hurt than anything else.

                Other than that, it had been a while since she had been back the day Gram passed was hard emotionally, and all she wanted was to get in the car and leave, but there was a bad accident involving three cars or so she had heard, and the bridge into town had to be closed allowing no one in or out, and all medical emergencies had to be flown. So that meant she was stuck there even longer. The last thing she remembered that day was walking on the beach, hoping to run into Fin so she could have a familiar face to talk with. She even walked out towards his place, but all the lights were out, so that meant his folks were probably out for dinner.

             It is odd how you block out things. As she walked down the beach, tears running down her face, she realized that when she and Gram had come to the beach that month, it had been a long time since they had been prior. Guess all of the obstacles that occurred, and Gram being sick, and well, she knew the last time was with Jay and Gram during Freshman year of high school, but it suddenly felt like yesterday; the laughing, the games, the late-night swimming, beach walks, and the time away from the everyday chaos and drama; back to when things seemed ok; the friendships, and relationships were strong when she felt safe, and back to where it all began.

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