~The Very Long Lonely Summer~

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Zoey found herself curled up in the bed taking a long nap. She had even forgotten about meeting Jay when the phone rang with a message from Jay.

JAY: I am on the way to C & C's. I told them that we had a little bit and they had a date night. Do you want a ride or I can meet you there?
ZOEY:  A ride would be cool. I can be ready in 10.

Jay arrived, and Zoey met him out in the car. He was all about his sporty, antique car. She could tell he had even had it washed and probably detailed. They drove over to CK's, and Lorelei was in her walker at the door looking at them.

"Hi baby doll, how are you? Are you ready for some fun tonight with your Godparents? We are looking forward to spending some time playing with you." Zoey said as they walked into the house. Jay patted Lorelei on the head and shook hands with CK. They began talking about scores for sports, and summer plans. CK's dad had an opening at the marketing firm if Jay was interested so that gave Jay something to think about. They had a lot of fun together, very much like when they were younger, but they never did address the issue they had back in high school. Gram would say, "Let bygones be bygones" and at this point, Zoey was happy to have a good friend back.

Summer was in full swing. Zoey had been babysitting for Lorelei, and she and Jay had been talking, and hanging out more, and she had not heard from Colin or Bryan at all since she asked them to leave. She was missing Bryan and talking with him, and they were laughing, but she knew he had so many other things to get through.

July rolled around and Zoey began looking for a job. She put in a few applications and went to a few interviews. She had already let CK know that she would not be helping with the team this year, nor playing when they had too many injuries and needed a sub. He was not thrilled, and he whined and ask big brother questions, but she knew it was because he cared. He wished her luck and told her if nothing panned out, he better see her on the field. Sounded like a dad, not a brother or friend but she knew it was the coach in him.

Jay and Zoey were at Jay's parents, watching a movie when she got a text from Colin.

COLIN: Hey Z! Long time no chat. I know the last we left things you were mad at me. Ok mad at both of us. I am so sorry you were dragged into that. Believe it or not, we have not seen each other since then.  I do not even know where he is or what he is doing? I met someone and I do not know why, but I told her I could not wait for her to meet my best friend Zoey when she comes into town. To be honest, I probably should have told her my only friend since I try to not hang out with the officers at work. Sorry, Guess I am rambling and did not plan to send such a long message. In any case, just wanted to say for my part, I apologize. I think that talking to you and hearing it out loud gave me some type of growth, closure, and even though it did not end the way I had wanted, confronting Bryan was cathartic too and I made my peace with it.  I have figured out these legs and only hate 'me on days that end in -y. In any case, hit me up sometime or come visit if you come down during the summer.

Zoey did not know how to respond. She was glad that being a listening ear helped, she was glad he had found some peace and growth. But it still stung a bit the way it fizzled out. She decided that she needed to think before responding because just sending a thumbs up would probably come across cold so she would wait. 

Jay looked over, "Hey is everything ok? That was a long message from someone."

Zoey shrugged. "Yeah, it was Colin, but I will respond back later on or tomorrow."

They continued watching the movie until she started to fall asleep. "Jay, I'm going to head out. I can't keep my eyes open and I'm not much company half asleep."

As Zoey stood up, Jay reached up for her hand and pulled her back onto the couch across his lap so she was in his arms. "Hey, I have been thinking for a long time," Zoey interrupts, "Jay, what's going on?"  Jay rubs her hand. "I just need to apologize, and I have been trying and trying and keep practicing because I didn't want to put my foot in my mouth like I always do. I miss you. I miss us. I know I screwed up in high school and hell even at the beginning of college I was a big jerk. I know I was wrong, and I was ... (he trails off) jealous of Bryan. You were laughing with him, smiling with him and I had not seen that smile in a long time. I missed my checkers under the kitchen table friend, my hide-and-seek pal, my partner-in-crime, my first fast friend, my first (he trails off again), my first love, my first of many things.  I know I made the mistake of falling in with the wrong crowd and failing you as a friend, but I need you to believe I am so deeply sorry and that I hope you can one day find it in your heart to forgive me."

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