~Winter Break~

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Zoey got home and figured she might as well get her laundry knocked out. She did some cleaning around the house but realized that this was the first Christmas she would not have Gram. She would be making her own memories and plans. Thankfully, it did not get as cold there as many places did during the holidays, but since this was the first Christmas, she thought why not do something different. She finished the laundry, packed a bag, found some of the Christmas decorations, and got in the car. This Christmas she is going to the beach house. The cottage, a Christmas Tree, making some goodies to drop off at the firehouse and local shelter, all things that would make this a good holiday break. Also, time to think and clear her mind.

The drive to the beach was quiet and thankfully non eventful. Zoey got to the house and unloaded her bags, the decorations, and the small amount of food she had brought with her. She did a quick walk around the house then decided to go for a walk.

Out on the beach, she saw a familiar face that she had not seen in a long time sitting on the wall up by the boardwalk. As she walked up the beach, she noticed this normally sweet, yet goofy guy looked almost solemn and depressed.

"Hey sexy!" she hollered. Colin looked up and responded, "hey gorgeous. I am not having a lot of fun right now. You probably want to find someone else to chat with."
Zoey sat down on the beach right in front of Colin. "You are looking down and out which is not like you. Talk to me."

Colin snapped back at her. "Look, I said I am not having a lot of fun right now. Go find someone else to feel sorry for and talk to."

With that response, Zoey stood up and turned to walk away. "I don't know what's going on, but I thought you looked like you needed a friend. I will give you your space, but you know that this is a holiday, a time to celebrate and be with family and friends, so if you want a friend, my number is the same it has been since we first met."  She then turned and walked away.

When she arrived back at the house, she made herself some dinner, turned on the tv to watch a Christmas movie, and read a book.

Meanwhile, back in town, Jay and his family did some traveling to visit family but spent a lot of time entertaining as his family likes to do. Jay wondered how Zoey was and ran out while his parents had a holiday party going on, to Zoey's house to check on her. When he arrived, an older gentleman answered catching Jay off guard.

"Hello, young man. Can I help you?"

Jay responded, "I was looking for Zoey."

The gray-haired gentleman replied, "My wife and I bought this house a few months ago as a place to enjoy our retirement. The young woman who sold it to us moved, but I am not sure where she has moved to. I think she is a student at the local college, you may want to inquire with them."

Jay was very confused, concerned, and almost felt hurt. There had been a lot of memories in that house. What had Zoey not told him. He knew he had messed things up and he has tried to talk to Zoey, but nothing seemed to reach her.  He would send her a message to see if she would respond.

Zoey found that winter break seemed to go by so very quickly. Christmas came and she received a text from Jay,

Jay:  Hey Zoey. Merry Christmas! Came by the house to check on you. Wanted to make sure you were not alone this year, but you were not home, and it was no longer your home. Give me a call and we can get together over break and talk. Please.
Zoey: Merry Christmas Jay to you and the fam. See ya when we get back to campus in a few weeks.
Jay: Is everything ok? Where are you? Please be careful.

Zoey knew how this back and forth would go, and she knew that was what Jay had been hoping for. She decided not to respond anymore, or at least for now.

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