~Cottage Getaway~

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Zoey looked around the cottage. So much seemed the same. She was exhausted and needed to sleep but she had so much on her mind that she was not sure if she could. She knew she should be home. She was feeling guilty not being there for Coach. He told her to take some time, but she knew there was practice every day and it would mean someone else would have to do her job and she knew that was not necessarily the way to start the year. She did know that Bryan should be there and can help and members of the team can help as well. Classes begin Monday, so she would be heading back on Sunday for sure and can be back at practice Monday afternoon if not Sunday when she gets back in town.

The men's and women's teams would have a lot of practice ahead as the team consisted of members from all over the United States, many countries around the world, it would take a lot of time to get everyone working together as a cohesive team. There were two from Spain who happened to be partners, who made some folks concerned, scared, uneasy, and yet even in the differences, it was warming to see that they were easily accepted despite their outward announcement of homosexuality. It was warming to Zoey to see that as a team no one cared who you are or where or what is or was. You are accepted for who you are and what makes you unique. Gram would be reminding her just as God wants us to do. It is sad how many folks do not live this motto but as a team, it was something Coach taught. "Treat others as you would want to be treated...ALWAYS!"  This was something written on the wall on a plaque and said during the pre-meeting gathering before every game and practice.

On the men's team was a certain guy who was tall, medium build, caring, had brown hair, and a smile that just warms your heart. His name was Bryan and he and Zoey seemed to be instant friends.  When she would wash towels and jerseys, clean water bottles, or mop in the locker room he was always there willing to help or just keep her company.  Bryan was different Zoey thought but she was not sure why she thought that. She knew she liked the instant friendship but knew to not get attached as he was a hot ticket to many of the girls who had passed him. She did not know much about him yet but hoped to find out more, but she knew that he and Jay had already bumped heads over some guy drama or something, but she really did not know what it actually was.

Zoey took a walk down the beach after a breakfast of fruit and then decided she would sit and read the letter Carl said was left at the house for her from Gram. Once again, Gram leaving her notes worried her. Gram wanted her to be taken care of and safe, but she had done a fantastic job and did not need to keep leaving notes and gifts.  Although she was thankful, it was still not needed. Zoey took a deep breath opened the letter and sat down on the side of the pool.

My dearest sweet Zoey.
If you are reading this, then Carl has passed it on to you and this is one of my many ways to ensure you are safe and taken care of as you work to be the best version of yourself. I know my sweet girl you have been through so much. I hope you will remember the fun times we have had here. The friends and family. I know I am saying family as it has always been just you and me but there are friends who have been as close as family and you need to remember that. Remember to be humble, and to forgive. Remember to allow yourself to care, to love, to have fun. Do not allow your anxiety and panic to hold you back. You are stronger than that. You are one of the strongest, most caring people I know, and you are destined for greatness. This cottage was bought for me by Pop-Pop as a wedding gift the summer before he passed. I am sorry I never told you that, but I wanted this to be a gift for you. An escape, a breath of fresh air because you carry so much on your heart and your shoulders, and I know nothing I can say will change that and I do not want to. That is what makes you, you. Make this place your escape, your peace. Carl and his company have been paid to care for the cottage open-ended and now that you have the key you may go and come anytime you want. It is yours. I am proud of all you have become and all you will do. You are my sweet smart loving caring girl. Follow your dreams. Follow your heart. I love you and I am with you always, to the moon and back!

Zoey folded the letter and set it on the table. She missed Gram so much. She knew she was no longer in pain and was happy with Pop-Pop, but she felt so alone. She knew Gram was right and she needed to forgive because it has been causing her too much stress and she really did miss Jay; although she was not sure they could ever get back what they had.

Zoey swam laps until she was exhausted and calmed her head and nerves. This also was time for her to make a decision. She knew she needed to pack things up and make the drive back home before she changed her mind.

She took a quick shower, packed her bag, locked it up, and headed home. On the way out, she stopped at the local bakery and bought a box of pastries, a jug of joe, and a bowl of fresh fruit to drop off at the firehouse, to say thank you to the wonderful people who came when Gram passed. When she dropped them off, the house was empty, and the wife of one of the paramedics was sitting in the bay in a chair. She said her name was Haleigh, and they had just left for an accident down by the inlet, but she could leave it with her, and she would let them know unless she wanted to wait around. Zoey thought about it and decided if she did not get moving, she would not. She thanked Haleigh left the goodies in their kitchen and headed out. Halfway home she stopped for a quick stop for gas, coffee, and to send a text to Jay.

Zoey: Jay, can we meet and talk about EVERYTHING? I think we need to start this term and season by clearing the air.  I am driving but any time after 4 would work if you are willing or have an interest in talking. TXT ME.

Zoey got back on the road and finished her drive home. She had made the effort, but she had hoped he would make a return on the offer. She made it all the way home and noticed the team still on the field practicing so she figured Jay probably never got the message.  She parked and walked down to the field. Coach walked over and put his hand on her shoulder. "Welcome back. You, ok?"  Zoey nodded. "Yeah. Thanks. I think I am good and hopefully will soon be in a better place." The coach said "glad to hear it. Let me know if I can help." as he walked off and onto the field.

Zoey stood on the side as Bryan walked over. "Hey. Long time no sees. I stopped by your room, but your roomies said you had disappeared and seemed upset. I tried to text you."  Zoey smiled. "Thanks. Yeah, I had some things I needed to take care of. Guess it was good I was missed."

Bryan laughed. "I didn't say you were missed. I was tired of doing your job for you. I did not sign up for this mess. I signed up to be on a team, to play goalie and that was already taken away. Now I'm the team Mr. Fix-it and Amelia Bedelia all at the same time."

Zoey was tickled at this point. "Wow. Tell me what ya really and feel, Amelia Bedelia. I do not know that Mr. Fix-it is the best name either. Maybe Doc McFreshie."  and then she laughed, and Bryan chimed in laughing as well.

Just then the team came off the field, grabbed their water bottles, and headed towards the locker rooms to shower. Jay looked at Zoey, smiled, and continued toward the locker room. Zoey and Bryan grabbed all the gear and headed towards the gym. Just as Bryan started to ask Zoey something, the coach grabbed Bryan to introduce him to the other athletic trainer who had arrived late but needed to be shown where she could find things when she was out with the team.

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