🎵The papers say it's doomsday🎵

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As I mentioned in the previous chapters, I have a playlist for this story! This chapters contains songs from that playlist, if you want to enjoy the experience of the chapter feel free to check them out!🥰

Also I'm sorry for the choppy chapter...it's late and the last day to update before my family member leaves :/


Y/n and Izuku sat in the quiet car as Izuku drove further and further from the hospital. Although Izuku had kept and remained a calm Ora and calmed expression, but on the inside he was nervous. Not exactly knowing the reason, he thought to himself.

Maybe it was because he didn't eat a healthy meal like he usually does? Or maybe even because he didn't do his reps all this morning? But that would be guilt not nervousness. So exactly what would it be?

"Are you okay?" Y/n spoke up, awakening Izuku. "Oh, yea I'm fine. Just thinking to myself." Y/n nodded, turning back to the dark sky that was before them. Now tapping her finger to the song that played faintly on the radio.

Izuku looked over towards y/n, seeing her long h/c hair move effortlessly as she began to sing. Smiling to himself as he watched her, feeling weirdly giddy without fully understanding why.

"Oh girl- it's you that I lie with-"

Recognizing the song, izuku looks down to his radio. As The World Caves In- Sarah Cothran, the song that Ochako used to sing when her and Izuku were riding anywhere. It was her way of saying "I love you", without having to actually say so.

Maybe that's why he was nervous. Because he hasn't actually had another woman in his car since her. Never had another person besides Shoto, Katsuki and her sit in his car. Looking back at her, seeing a beautiful smile on her lips as she sang her heart out.

"Yes it's you I welcome death with"

Turning up the radio, Y/n looked at the green haired man. Eyes locking as they sang the last part together.

"As the world caves in..."


When they had gotten to the store, y/n eyes had gone wide. She was amazed by what she was seeing. Almost everything was in that store, from clothes to food to expensive jewelry. It was a first time for her, meanwhile Izuku sighs.

Coming to the same late night store almost every weekend to get his 'nightly protection'. Feeling a little awkward that y/n was with him, he blushes slightly to himself.

Y/n's legs felt as if they were moving on their own. Moving her anywhere her heart had wanted to see, looking at everything from pet to right. "Wow L/n, you're acting as if you've never been to a store before." Y/n stopped and looked back at the tall man, "it's not that- I just um never been to this one before."

Izuku chuckles seeing a awkward expression on her face. "I've never seen anyone get so excited for a unfamiliar store." "You don't get excited?" "Not really. I much rather stay at home than be out and about."

"Really? I'd love to go out and do things. I never have time too be anywhere but the hospital and home." "Well why don't you? You don't look too old to be going out."

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