🎵Oh, it's you I watch TV with🎵

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It's been almost a month since the last time Izuku and y/n had spoken to one another. And needless to say, it was hurting him deeply. He wanted to be with his butterfly.

But no matter what he had texted her, or called her she never seemed to reply. His calls would go straight to voicemail, or his texts would say they were delivered.

He didn't even see her at the hospital. He would arrive the same time he did everyday, and Monique would say that she left a couple of hours earlier. Izuku would even get their a little earlier, but she was still no where to be seen.

He figured that maybe she would take off to her mothers room as soon as she knew he was there. So he went to check for himself, but when he would get close Monique would always have a new task for him. One farther away from her mothers room.

Izuku realized that there wasn't anything that he could do. He had came to the conclusion that he had messed things up with y/n. And if he were lucky, things would be fixed eventually.

He didn't know why he was so determined to fix things between them but he was. He wanted nothing more than to have things resolved the moment he knew he did something wrong. But how could he fix something, when he didn't know exactly what he did wrong.

Izuku sat in his office, snacking on carrots as he fills out paperwork. The pile seeming to grow larger and larger each passing day.

"Midoriya, can I speak to you for a moment?" Izuku has his thoughts interrupted by a semi tired Shoto. Izuku nods, not having any motivation to speak.

Shoto steps in front of him, now placing his hand on his hips. "Are you okay?" Izuku think for a moment, Am I truly okay- no but I don't really care.

Izuku nods, forcing a fake smile on his lips. "Izuku you and I have been friends for eight years now, I can tell when you're lying." "Well if you knew something was wrong, why ask?"

"To see if you would finally tell me what your problem is. You've been very distant and distracted." "I have not been distracted, I've been filling out all the paperwork and taking care of every villain I see."

"You didn't even deny being distant."

"Well I don't want to lie."

"Izuku, please just tell me what the problem is?" "There isn't any problem. I'm just exhausted." "Liar." "I'm not lying."

"You're lying right now. Come on, why can't you just be direct for once?!" Shoto shouted having his hands running through his bi- colored hair. Izuku was dumbfounded, he's never seen Shoto get so emotionality invested in anything. But seeing this, it was a little terrifying.

Shoto sighed, noticing he might have gone a little too far. "I'm sorry Midoriya. You're just so-" "Indirect...I know. But I just don't know how to desifer all of this. I don't know how I feel about Ochako."

Shoto tries to speak, but is stopped by Izuku. "I don't know how I feel about being surrounded by people who don't truly want to know me. I don't know how I feel about being the number one, I mean can I really handle it all alone?"

Shoto's eyes well up with tears, as Izuku voice cracks. "And I don't know why I feel like I'm dying slowly. It all started when y/n started to ignore me, and I- I don't know how I can fix things. Am I just not worth much? Am I really just not worth the attention, time, or love? Is that why Ochako left me, is that going to be the same reason y/n isn't going to like me back?!"

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