🎵 And here it is, our final night alive🎵

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"Are you sure that you're ready to go home? Maybe one more test?" Inko says, holding Izuku's arm as he tries to pack his bags. "Mom I'm fine, the doctors said that I am. Just need to rest up a bit."

"I know honey, I'm just worried about you. What if those children didn't find you and didn't call that young lady? What would've happen then?" "I would have been fine mom. I was unconscious in a hospital after all." Inko smacks his shoulder as he chuckles.

"Izuku this is serious. I was worried about you." He looks down at his mother, "mom, really I'm okay. I'm taking time off of work, and just going to stay home to rest." Inko smiled weakly, knowing her son she knew when he had said something, he was going to do it.

"Promise me you'll call me everyday?" He groans, throwing his head back. "Mom-" "Promise me Zuku." He slams his palm over his face, groaning louder this time. "Freckles, be nice to your mother."

The Midoriya's turn their heads, y/n stood their in her casual wear, hair down and in a disappointed stance. "Your mom is just being a good mom. No need to be a big baby about it." She walks closer to them, now standing in between the two.

"Exactly! See what can't you be observant like your friend here?" Y/n laughs as Izuku throws his hands up, disappointedly. "Seriously, you're on her side now?" "I'm not on any ones side Zuku."

Inko then leans over, putting a hand in front of her mouth, starting to "whisper". "I'm on your side, but don't tell him that." "I can hear you!" The women burst into laughter as Izuku pouts. "Awe, come on Izuku I'm just kidding." Inko says grabbing his large hands.

"Call me as soon as you get home okay?" He nods, wrapping his scarred arms around her small body. "I love you mom." Inko kissed his cheek, starting to rub his back. "I love you too, Zuku."

Y/n watched in awe as she saw just how caring his mother was. And how huge of a mama's boy he truly was, although he'll never admit it. Inko turns to y/n and bows, "thank you for taking care of my son. It means a lot to me when someone is caring for him just as much as I am."

Y/n chuckles, bowing back to the short older woman. "The pleasure is all mine ma'am. Please do take care." Inko nodded, grabbing her purse to head out. But before she could exit, she whispered into Izuku's ear.

"She's a very cute girl. You should ask her out." "Okay- bye mom!" Inko laughs as she leaves, leaving the flustered greenette with y/n. Y/n cocked her eyebrow, "you okay there ~Zuku?" She cooed his name, making the man an even more flushed.

"That's a new one, that I've haven't heard fan girls scream all the time." He says with a eye roll. Y/n gasps and punches his shoulder. I'm not one of your fan girls freckles. I actually have some dignity believe it or not."

"So being one of the number one heroes fan girls means they have no dignity? Well damn. I guess a bunch of women don't have very much dignity then." He says chuckling, making the h/c-ette cross her arms. "That's not what I'm saying."

"That's literally what you just said."

"You took that out of context!"

"Whatever, I'm going back to my desk. Fill out your own paperwork." She says leaving the room. "Awe weirdo! I was just joking." She doesn't respond, she just flips him off as she walks away. "Weirdo."

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