🎵Oh, we're going out in style, babe🎵

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Izuku pulls a chair out to have y/n sit on. She gladly sits, as Izuku runs to the other side of the table to sit as well. Once he finishes adjusting himself, he scoots forward to hold y/n's hands.

"You know I could have sat down by myself, right." "I know, but I wanted to be a gentleman." Y/n rolls her eyes, leaning in. "You're always a gentleman."

Izuku leans in to kiss her, but only feels a finger pressed against his lips. His eyes strike open, looking down at the f/c pedicured finger. "If you're a good boy, i might just give you a kiss. Well just have to wait and see."

Her long eyelashes kiss the top of her cheek, as she gives him a cute wink. All before she picks up her menu, choosing what she's going to eat.

Damn, if I'm a good boy? Wasn't I a good by for setting up that whole scavenger hunt for her?! Wait- why am I weirdly turn on-

"Freckles? Are you okay?" Izuku covers his mouth, knowing that he was muttering and mumbling. Something that normally bothers everyone. "Sorry, I got lost in thought there. I didn't mean to mutter."

Y/n shrugs, placing her menu down to look at him. "It's okay. I actually- really think your muttering is kinda cute." She mumbles the last part, growing a dark hue on her cheeks. She truly is one of a kind.

"So do you know what you want?" He hums, flipping the menu over. The waiter walks over to the couple, holding the signature notepad and pin. "Hello. My name is Aki, and I'm going to be your waiter tonight. So what can I get for you guys."

"Um I think I want the beef dumplings with a side of sticky rice and broccoli. Oh and a water to drink." Aki jots it down before turning to y/n. "Oh and what can I get you beautiful." He says in a flirty tone.

Making Izuku a little jealous from his tone. Not only did he pick up on it but so did y/n. "Yea, id like the same thing as my boyfriend. So please make it two." She finishes, interlocking her hand into Izuku's.

He didn't know why he felt somewhat proud of her. But truth be told he did. Maybe it was the fact she picked up on it, and wasn't confusing with eith being friendly. Or maybe it was because she didn't flirt back like his ex used too.

Aki moved his body back slightly, "confused" on y/n's tone. "I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that was your boyfriend." "It's fine, just don't make the same mistake twice." A little sass in her tone, as the waiter walked away.

Izuku gazed back at the woman in front of him. Y/n was truly something different, not because of the cliché line that everyone uses, but really because she is. Never had he met anyone who actually spend her time helping those in need, and turning it into a career. Well other than people becoming pros.

But she did it because she wanted to make a difference to others. Not only that, but the fact that she wasn't someone who took others crap all while being sweet and sensitive about it. She didn't need anyone or anything from them, and she had made it known.

She wasn't just beautiful on the inside, but beautiful on the outside. Y/n was insecure about herself, but he could name off everything he liked about her. Starting from her laugh to the dimples on her cheeks.

She was a sight for sore eyes, anyone could see such a thing.

"Freckles are you sure you're okay? Are you tired or sick?! We can reschedule if you're-" "No, no, no. I'm okay. Just got caught up with the view." Y/n chuckles, covering her mouth. "Quit being a cliché."

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