🎵Oh girl, it's you that I lie with🎵

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Eri sat up, sluggishly. Groggy from the lack of sleep she received the night before. Stretching her arms above her head, groaning loudly. So loud that it could wake someone up. Expecting for Izuku to come out of his room, moaning and complaining she turned to the hall.

Nothing seemed to move or nor did she hear any shuffling. Maybe it wasn't as loud as I thought. Eri shrugged, pushing the covers away from her body. She quickly got up and dashed to the rest room. 

After walking out of the bathroom, she walked towards Izuku's room. Checking in him to see if he was still alive. The night prior he seemed a little off on the ride home.

Mini Flashback (:

Eri sat in the passenger seat, scrolling through her Tik Tok feed. While Izuku sat there thinking, thinking so hard that she could practically see the gears moving in his head. "Are you okay? You seem a little tense?"


Eri questioned the man, confused by the one word answer. "Yea? Yea what?" "I'm fine." Eri nods, still puzzled on why he was acting this way. And why the demeanor was so strong.


Cracking the door open to see if he was up and ready, Eri leans in. But to no avail no one was there. She quickly dashed to the living room and the kitchen to see the same result. Although Eri was fourteen years old, she hated being left alone. It had brought her back to a darker time, something she didn't want to relive.

Izuku had known this- so if he was aware how Eri felt, so why did he do such a thing?

Eri crawled onto the couch, holding her knees to her chest. Grabbing her phone to message someone, hoping to get her mind off being alone.

Her thumbs move on their own, seeming to message the one person she wouldn't expect to be texting this early.

While Eri sat bunched on the couch, Izuku sped down the road. Hurrying home before Eri could wake up and notice that he left. Gripping the wheel so tight his knuckles began to turn white.

Seriously Izuku, you're cutting it way to close this time. Hopefully she was comfortable in the guest room.

Izuku pulled into the drive way, grabbing the box of donuts next to him. Rushing inside the house, but quietly sneaking in the door.

After he shut the door, he glanced up to see a familiar hair color sitting on the couch. Izuku dropped the donuts on the table, walking over to Eri. Although she was on her phone, he face was in her knees.

"Eri?" Her head lifted slowly, her large crimson eyes filled with tears. Izuku heart snapped, breaking from the sight before him. Placing his large arms around her, she breaks into tears.

Her loud whimpers filled the quiet room, as Izuku places his head in the crook of her neck. "It's going to be okay Eri...I'm here." "You le-left me here a-a-alone."

"I went to get you breakfast, you looked so peaceful that I couldn't wake you up. I thought I'd be able to be back before you had woken up." Eri didn't respond, instead she cradled her head closer into Izuku's chest.

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