🎵You put your final suit on🎵

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"Kat can we pleaseeeeee stop by the hospital! I really,really need to see my sister from another mister. I promise I won't take long." Misaki pleaded as she gave Katsuki puppy dog eyes.

"Babe, you know that's a fat ass lie. You always talk for hours, and it's not like something new has happened. Deku told you all about them going out."

"So? I want to hear her story about it! Besides I knew she was in love with him the first day she told me about him." "And you didn't tell Deku about that?"

She shakes her head, crossing her arms. "Besides I don't care if they've been together for three months, I need my tea." Katsuki grabs the Termal on the counter, handing her the tea. Misaki rolled her eyes. "You know that's now what I meant."

"I don't feel like going anywhere right now." Misaki tries to speak but Katsuki cuts her off. "And no I'm not letting you out and about on your own."

"I'm a grown woman, I can handle myself. Besides I'm a pro hero remember." She teases with a sarcastic eyeroll. Katsuki rubs his temple, "A pro hero who's six months pregnant." "What's your point."

"You're not going to let this go are you?" "Nope." He sighs, walking into their bed room. "Kat? Where-" He comes out holding her mini backpack. "Your bag has snacks and a extra bottle of tea."

She gasps, "shocked" by Katsuki's mind changing. "Thank you.." "Oh shush- let's just go before I change my mind." Misaki doesn't wait another minute, she stands up quickly and heads to the door.

Katsuki chuckles at the sight, slowly walking towards the car.


Once they had gotten to the hospital, Misaki rushed inside. Running up to the room y/n was in, not even knocking on the door. She looks around the room seeing y/n standing in the corner, looking out the tented window.

Misaki hugged y/n, almost knocking her over. Y/n was taken back by her sudden presence. Not to mention she gave her a crazy, grizzly hug. "Misaki- what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at home right now?"

"I should, but this maternity leave sucks balls. I mean how the hell  am I supposed to sit at home and do nothing?" Y/n giggles, covering her mouth as she does. Misaki takes note of this, her tiny smile fading.

"Is everything okay?" She asks reaching a hand out to touch y/n. Y/n sighs softly, reaching her hand to Misaki's. "I'm okay, well mentally I mean."

Y/n avoids her gaze, sitting down the bed. Misaki sits down next to her, gently. "Is this about Izuku- are you having second thoughts about being with him?" "What? No! I care for him more that I care about myself."

"I'm just worried about him." "What about him?" Y/n rubs a finger over a silver charm bracelet that Izuku had given to her a week prior. "I'm worried that when I leave-" Misaki holds a finger to y/n's lips. Stopping her from speaking anymore.

"Don't you dare say something like that. Why would you even be thinking of something like that?" "Nothing important, I'm just stating that when I leave-" "Again, don't even say it. Y/n seriously what's the matter?"

Before y/n could speak Katsuki walks in. Misaki groans inside her head, way to come in at the worst time Kat. Y/n stands up dusting herself off.

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