The Rat

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Authors note:

Basically Elody was sexually Assaulted by her first boyfriend and his best friend, she was beaten up. Her best friend Emily found her. Elody wanted Ice cream which resulted in familiar car racing towards them, Emily sacrificed herself for Elody. she died on sight, to this day Elody believes that she killed her best friend. that she was a monster.

As Elody and Bella stay the day away with the Cullens. Charlie is out hunting the animal attacks. with a few his men and hunting dogs, they follow the tracks which leads to a human foot mark. Charlie more confused than anything.

"It's human" he announces to his men.

Emmet went around to the house to pick up the truck as we were gonna meet dad at the diner, for next 20 minutes all I heard from him was complaining about the old rust bucket.

"Em, shut ur trap. You big baby " I yell out causing the vampire to wince.

"Ops, sorry Esme. I didn't mean to" I whisper as Jasper pulls me out of Emmett arms.

"Okie beautiful, you gotta go now or you will be late, i'll pop around later if you want darling." He whisper into my ear.

"I will leave the window open my cowboy" I giggle at him.

As Bella and I pull up to the diner we see Mike.

Fantastic newton is here

"Arizona, what's up ladies?" He greats us as he stares at bella.

Walking over to Bella, linking our arms.

"So you and cullen then?" He asks her before looking at me.

"You and Hale?" He continues. We continue to ignore him as we head towards to entrance.

"That's.. I don't like it.. I mean I don't know, they look at you girls like you something to eat" he admits. Bella just ignore him and heads in as I turn around to him.

"Its a good thing I didn't ask your opinion then, hey Newton? Just because Bella turned you down doesn't give you a free pass to insult her" telling him as I follow Bella.

"Hey sorry we are late. I had a Bilolgy project and Ellie here was napping" Bella tells dad as me take our seats.

"You know me, I love my naps" I smile at dad as he laughs at us.

"Only, my girls" was his response.

"I order you the spinach Salad bells and the chicken pasta for you Ells" he tells us.

"You know me so well dad" wiping a pretend tear, resulting in dad and Bella laughing at me.

"Say, chief, boys wanna know" Cora asks as she put down my incredible food In front of me causing me to grin.

"Did you find anything down by Queets River today?" She continues as dad looks at the men on the surrounding tables. looking down he decided to tell them what he saw.

"Yeah, we found a bare human footprint, but it looks like whoever that is, is heading east " tell us. Bella and I just look at each other is slight fear.


As everyone gets back to their own business I look at the window and laugh causing dad to grin and tell Bella.

"Looks like your friends are flagging you" he tells her as Mike shakes his ass in the window making me almost choke on my food. 


My Cowboy ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now