Elody May Swan

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Beep, beep ,beep

Not again! I open my eyes, slowly as the light blinds me.

"Elody? Baby" I hear my mom call out to me as I try to open my eyes again as I desperately want to make sure my mom is ok.

"Elody" mom whispers from in front of me, my eyes adjust to the bright light as I look into the face of my mom.

"Mom?" I mumble out trying to move around to wake up more.

"Hey baby girl." Mom smiles down at me as I move my head to look at her.

"Mom, where Bella? Where's Jasper? Is Rosie Ok?" I manage to ask through my harsh voice no doubt due to my screams the night before.

"Honey, Jasper and Rosalie are asleep over there" she gestures over to the couch in the corner of the room. Looking over I see my Cowboy and Rosie leaning against each other with their eyes closed pretending to be asleep.

Sneaky sneaky

"Where's Bella mom, are she ok?" I ask mom looking back at her. She smiles at me as she runs her hand through my hair.

"Bella is perfectly ok, she had to get some stitches. Right now she's down in the cafeteria with you dad and Phil" she tells me.

"What happened to me mom" I ask her, knowing that there had to be some sort of story to cover up what actually happened.

"Well, when you fell, you broke your leg, and you lost a lot of blood. You also have some internal bruising" she tells me with a sad smile but I could tell she was happy that I was ok.

"You don't remember any of this, do you?" She asks me. I just look at her and shake my head no.

"Edward came down with his dad and Jasper and Rosalie tagged along to try to convince Bella to come back to forks, so you and Bella went over to their hotel, then Bella tripped you grab Bella and thrown  her behind you, she hit her head on the corner of the wall and you fell down two flights of stairs. You then went through a window" she tells me as she waits for my reaction.

"yeah, that sounds like Bella and I. Doesn't it?" I joke with her as mom pulls me into a hug without hurting me.

"Honey, I'm so sorry." She cries into my shoulder as her phone goes off.

"Its Phil, he and your dad are worried about you and Bella is in hysterics" I look at her weirdly.

"Mom, your texting" I pointed out. She laughs and agrees with me.

"Baby girl, you are gonna love Jacksonville. Its sunny every day, and we found the cutest little house., and you've got your own bathroom, same with Bella " she tells me as I frown at her.

"Mom, I still want to live in Forks." I tell her. She looks at me confused.

"What?" She asks me, most likely thinking I'm loopy from the medication.

"I want to live in Forks and I certain Bella does as well" I tell her again with not doubt in my mind.

"Well, okay, but we will talk about it" she agrees with me as she plays with my hair.

"Do you mind getting Dad and Bella" I ask her needing my dad and to make sure Bella is ok.

"Ok baby, i'll go get them" she kiss my forehead and heads out the door.

My head snaps to the Hale twins as they rush to my side. Rose pulls me into a hug as she dry sobs into my shoulder.

"Elody May Swan, how dare you make me go through this pain. You could have died, do you understand that Ellie" she weeps into my hair.

My Cowboy ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now