Time To Band Together

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Authors note:

I am sooo sorry! I had lost the interesting in this book BUT with the ongoing comments and messages I decided that, it's not fair on my readers. I am back. my health is back to normal, no more scary calls.

Elody POV

Weeks past and now Waylon and Rennie look around the age of 7 years old! I can not believe that they are growing so quickly. It scares us all especially Jas and I. Embelle and Elora are now about a few months old, definitely taking after Rosie and I with their baby attitude. 


Bella, Embry, Jake, Way, Rennie and I are standing in the snow as the kids play in the snow as I lean against Embry in his wolf form, stealing his warmth as leans against me to block the wind.

"MUMMY! MUMMY look" Waylon runs over to me with many snowflakes in his arms.

"Awe baby. look at you my clever little boy" I bend down to kiss his forehead as Embry nudges him as he giggles.

"Look, a snowflake." Rennie shows Bella as she looks down at her from a few feet away from me with Jake.

 "It's beautiful. Why don't you go get another one?" Bella asks her as Renesmee runs over grabbing Waylon hand to catch more snowflakes.

"aren't our kids to cute bells?" I look away from the kids to Bella.

"they are" she agrees before walking closer to Bree and I

" Edward thinks that we'll find answers in Brazil. There are tribes there that might know something." Bella tells us as I let out a groan.

"I hope so bells, I hope so" she grabs my hand to give a quick squeeze as we watch the kids laughing and jumping to catch snowflakes.

"Mummy, Aunty Bellie" Waylon Rushes over with Rennie right behind him.

I look around to see any threats to the kids and Embry and Jake stand by the kids sides.

 "Who was that?" Rennie ask point at a figure standing on a cliffside. 

" I think that's our cousin from Denali. Irina!" Bella rush after her as I stand in front of the kids

"Come here Ren, Way" I tells the kids as I hold their hands heading back tot he Cullens House hold with each wolf on the outside of the kids.

"Mummy, I'm scared. I want Daddy. they are gonna come for us all" Waylon latches on my arm as I bend down and hold him to my chest.

"Honey, it's ok to be scared but nothing will happen to any of you kids as long as I and the rest of our family is here" I kiss his forehead and bring Renesmee into our little hug.

"Can you go grab Jasper and Tell Emily to look after my baby girl" I ask looking at Embry as he left out a grunt and runs off and Jake stands right next to Waylon.

Waylon lets out a breath as Jake rubs his nose on his back to let him know he is there for him.

too cute

"WAYLON, RENNIE, DARING" I hear Jasper yell as Waylon Calls out to him as I smile as Jasper appear in front of us worry stretch across his face.

Waylon falls out of arms running over to Jasper crying.

"Hey little man, I'm here. your ok" he picks up Waylon as I walks over to kiss my forehead, doing the same Rennie.

"what happened Darling?" Jasper ask as he takes my free hand leading us back home.

"Bella thinks Irina was watching us and now Waylon's scared people are gonna hurt us all " I whisper so Waylon couldn't hear as he talks to Rennie who is now riding on Jake's back.

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