Mr Cowboy/ Jazzman returns.

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Before I know it the week has passed and now its Monday. I hate Mondays.

Along with my daily make up I'm wearing black tights with brown knee high boots and a dark navy blue sweater matching it with a three level sized necklace.

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As I walk out the door I see the ice covered pathway. Just as I'm about to tell Bella to watch out, her legs slip from underneath her and I fall on the ground no long after her from laughing my ass off.

"Ells, it's not that funny" Bella tells me trying not to laugh her self.

"Girls" Charlie rushes over to help Bella and I up.

"Careful driving on the iced roads today bells, I took your truck to get new tyres the old ones were getting kinda bold." Charlie tells Bella as I sip on my heaven drink, you know it. its my hot chocolate.

"ill be late to dinner gotta stay back the attacks are getting closer to town so be careful girls." Charlie tells us getting into his patrol car driving off.

Hoping into the car listening to Grace by lewis Capaldi, we get to school as I jam out to bruises when I see that edweirdo and the jazz man are back. I jump out with a huge grin on my face as Rosie meets me at the door to head to English.

"Rosie, I slipped on my ass today and now my ass is gonna bruise, hence why I was singing bruises" I tell rose complaining because she lets me.

"Awe poor baby, how do u mange not to break urself" she replies while laughing at me.

"I'm what u call a rare case" laughing along with her.

"So the jazz man is back? I am debating to call him mr cowboy or the jazz man and I can not decide" I tell rose excited to see Jasper again.

"Omg Ellie u are so random, pick any you want, I'm sure you will get that laugh out of him for sure" rose tells me as the bell goes off make me slightly deaf.

I head to History and just like my first day I see Jasper sitting in his seat near the back window. We make eye contact as his smile lights up the room. I make my way over to him

"Sooo Mr Jazzman get ready for defeat, I have been practicing." I tell him as I sit down in my spot. Jasper lets out a small but noticeable chuckle almost there I almost made him laugh

"Well darling I had to let you practice so you would have a chance" the god that is jasper himself tells me while leaning in so we don't get caught.

"NOOO, I had you! Ur a fat cheater mr jazzman" I scream at him as he beats me yet again while we walk out the door to the next class.

"Now you Mr cowboy get off your high cow and start another challenge" I tell him laughing.

"Mr cow boy?" Jasper full on laugh HA I did it! I made him full on laugh. My life is complete

"Yes Mr cowboy, you are now my cowboy" I smile at him as we walk down the corridor.

"Ma'am please follow your cowboy to your next appointment in hell" jasper lean in to whisper in my ear making me giggle.

"March on cowboy" I told him as the smile never our faces.

Sitting in the cafeteria at the same bitchy table Jessica sits at just ignoring her presence as I watch Ang and Mike acting like puppies for attention. Sipping on my chocolate milk.while the group gossip like they are a bunch of little girls.

"So like why do u have pizza and chocolate milk, its a bad combo" the bitch, wait I mean Jessica asks me as she pull me out of my dream land.

Bella just rolls her eyes already know what I was gonna say.

"Who do u think you are to sit there and judge me what I eat or drink, why don't you focus on ur self luv" I spat in her direction.

She just ignores me and continues to get a rise out me.

"So are you jasper, like a thing?" She ask, I just ignore her and she keeps going.

"Cause like your not good enough for him" she continues.

I snap my head up to her and Bella sigh next to me not even trying to settle me down.

"Who the flying fuck do u think u are? Jasper and I are friends not that its any of your concern, you wouldn't know what friendship is even if it hit you in the face " I raised my voice at her as I continue.

"Correction ur not good enough for Jasper he's a real gentleman and a nice person, so just because he turned you down doesn't mean u can sit here and try to make your self feel better because u can't grasp the concept that he didn't want you " I finish while losing my breath.

"Ellie! Come over here" I hear Rosie calling me.

"Coming rosie" I stand up and head over to the Cullens but before I sit beside Jasper and Rose I stick the finger up at Jessica and smile at Bella.

"Wow Ellie bear, remind me not to get on ur bad side" Emmett tells me with a smirk on his face.

"Well Em bear when a bitch tries to ruin ur day ur gotta tell her straight her face that she a bitch" I laugh in return.

"Hi I'm Elody in case u didn't know" I tell the rest of the table

"Ells its been awhile" Alice says with a smile on her face.

"Elody you are an amazing person" I think it was Chris says

"Awe missed u too Ali and thanks Chrissy" I tell them with a smile on my face.

"What are you looking at"Edward or as I call him edweirdo asks me.

I stare at him before responding with "I don't know I'll tell you when I figure it out" the laughing is instantly from everyone.

"Good one Ellie" rose tells me.

"Well Eddie or edweirdo u got a choice in nickname however, if u hurt my sister ur on your own" I threaten him.

"Why can't u call me by my name" he ask looking uncomfortable I just look at him and he sighs

"Eddie it is, and I won't hurt her. You kinda scare me" he responds and after that I go back to smiling.

"You are something else darling." Jasper whispers in my ear.

Author note:

 I am flying with ideas, let me know if you want to see. 

Until next time.


My Cowboy ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now