She is gonna shove a stick up my ass

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"Ells, time to get up, we have the field trip to the green house today" Bella announces while walking into my room, already ready for the shitty day ahead.

I groan into my pillow as Bella drags my blanket off me, I suddenly feel like I've fallen into ice water.

"Nooo, Bella give it back, what is the point of going? What is learning about stupid plants gonna make an impact on my life" I tell her while rolling my eyes at her as she laughs at me.

"So ur telling me you are not even the slightest curious of how I did not die from the truck yesterday, as Edward literally stopped the van with his bare hands? I mean come on he was next to Jasper as you were speaking to them. On the other side of the parking lot" Bella continues to tell me how she wants answers on how Eddie stopped the van.

Getting out of my bed accepting that fact that Bella will not let me sleep my life away. why does she hate me.

"Look bells, you are right it is strange but I'm more grateful that ur alive than anything, besides its their secret to tell. So I'm not gonna hound them for answers, they will tell us when they are ready." I tell her as I head to the bathroom to start my daily routine.

Before I shut door, ignoring whatever she was gonna say

"Be my favourite sister and fix me up a heaven drink?" Smirking at her through the crack of the door, knowing she would actually make me a hot chocolate.

After have a 15 minute shower, I realise that my concert when over time as I was cutting it close before we would miss the bus for the field trip. Pulling out my daily makeup  I decided just put strawberry shine on my chap lips as I was running behind. 

fuck me I fell off with out my mascara 

Slipping on dark blue jeans, a grey undershirt with a white sweater over the top I decided on my light brown winter boots compared to my converses as we are gonna be outside all day. Rolling my eye what seems like the tenth time today already, I grab my dark grey scarf and light brown over the shoulder bag as Bella scream my name.

"Yes Bella! That is my name, no need to scream it for the town to hear" I yell back making my way out to her rusty dump truck with a smile on my face

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"Yes Bella! That is my name, no need to scream it for the town to hear" I yell back making my way out to her rusty dump truck with a smile on my face.

"Here, you're drink.  by the way I'm ur only sister, so ha." Bella tells, as I start laughing at her as she remembesr what I told her before my concert.

"My concert went overtime, they wouldn't let me leave, the struggles of being a performer" I tell her making her giggle at me.

"You are something else, ells. Are you gonna sit with me or the Cullens?" She asks me as we pull into the school with the bright yellow buses in the parking lot. 

Magic school bus vibes

" No clue haven't decided on it yet. Ooo look there Jasper, I'm gonna go scare him" I tell Bella as I sneak my way over to Jasper as he stands there talking to Emmett and Rose. I mention for them to be quiet so the don't expose me.

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