Head towards who the fuck knows.

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Getting ready with Rosie for my own honeymoon made me happy but scared, like this is actually happening. I am a married woman.

"Rosie" I turn to her as she finishes packing my bags

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"Rosie" I turn to her as she finishes packing my bags.

"yes Ellie?" she walks over to me as I wrap my arms around her best I could.

"Just promise me, that if something happens, you will call me? I just have a bad feeling is all" she leans away from me as she wipes a few tears from my face.

"you my girl are going on your honeymoon with your husband and you're going to have an amazing time, I promise if anything happens I will call you. " she pulls me out the door towards the cars.

"love you Rosie, I will see you when I get back, make sure to answer when I call you ok? or i'll send Emily on your ass" I smirk at her as she laughs.

"you got it dude, now go before Jasper comes and steals you away" she laughs as I head towards my mom.

"Awe my baby, you're so grown up now" mom wines into my shoulder as I hold her tightly.

"I love you mom and thank you for everything" I whisper to her as I see dad talking to Bella.

"you should go see him, he isn't taking it so well that both his little girls are leaving him on the same day" she kisses my cheek as I walk over. Bella sees me walk over and stands next to Alice and Chris.

"Dad"I fall into his open arms.

"my Elody " he mumbles holding me tightly against his chest.

"I'm only going on my honeymoon dad and then I will be back and i'll come annoy you until you wish I leave" I giggle as he looks down at me.

"I will never let you leave me for that long. I love you Ells" he hugs me and I wipe a few tears away.

"I love you dad, I will see you in a few weeks" I pull out of my dad embrace and run straight for Bella.

"Bells" I scream as we both start to fall over as we laugh.

"Really ells? was that really needed" she laughs as we help each other up.

"you know it bells" I giggle as I throw my arms around her.

"I know that after this you want to become a vampire but I just don't want that for myself but I support you Bella, always have and always will " I whisper to her as she tighten her grip.

"I love you Elody, if you become one or not your always going to be my sister, my other half. I love you and I will see you soon" she cries into my shoulder before she heads to her car with Edward.

"Edweirdo! have fun but don't break my sister" I yell out as serval people giggle.

"Never change El" was his response before getting in the car.

My Cowboy ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now