Bambi killers/wanna be wizards

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Elody POV

After packing the twins bag I met Jasper, Rose and Emmett by the front door as they were coming with me to see my dad.

There was no way I was leaving him in Forks by himself, no way I would ever let him believe that I had died when I have not.

Even if that means he learns the truth of Vampires and Witches and shifters

On the way to the front door I see Jacob leave with a satisfied smirk.

Dumb dog, what did he do now

I give Emmet Embelle as Rose and Jas were holding the other babies. I let out a giggle as I run through the front door and scare my dad.

"Jesus princess, don't give me a heart attack" he chuckles pulling me into a much needed hug.

"I missed you dad, soo much you have no idea" I whisper to him as he tighten his grip on my shoulders

"I have an idea"

I wipe the few tears running down my father face as we sit on the couch.

"dad, we need to talk and I need your full attention ok?"I face him as he looks worried before barking out a stupid question.

"you don't turn into a large large dog do you?"

"no of course not" I bark out laughing as dad lets out a sigh of relief.

"alright, I'll start from when Bella and I first moved back here...."

(I way tooo lazy to write a recap of everything)

"Wow" was dad only response. if I'm being honest I don't think he really believes me. time for my back up.

"you may not believe me but I have proof ok?" I ask him as he nods his head. that was when Emmett, Rose and Jasper walked into the room holding the babes.

"dad meet Embelle Rose Hale and Waylon Charles Hale. Jasper and I twins" I grab my daughter as Jasper and I sit beside my dad as he tears up.

"I'm a grandpa" was he response before he cries.

"shhhh dad it's ok. want to hold them?" I ask him as he nods his head so fast he must of cracked it.

I lay my daughter on his right as Jasper put our son on the left before standing besides me gripping my hand.

"dad this is my Goddaughter Elora May Cullen" I gesture to Rose and Elora as Emmet gives a puppy worthy smile to my dad.

"she's gorgeous. congratulation guys" dad nods at Emmet and smiles at Rose.

"so Jasper and Emmett are Bambi killers" dad starts as Rose and I let out laughs before dad continues.

"Rose and my daughter are wanna be wizards at Hogwarts" he finishes as the boys decided to laugh back at us as I frown.


"what? I find it quite funny" he smirks as I lean against Jasper and watch my dad fall in love with his grand babies.

"so how long do we have with Waylon? he seems way older then Embelle " dad ask as I left out a sigh.

"that's the thing dad, we don't know and I'm scared" I admit as he looks up at me.

"we will figure it out together, I promise sweetheart" I wipe the stray tear as I head to the kitchen to make my dad a coffee and Rose and I a hot Chocolate.

I walk back in when dad was determined to see Bella, even though I told him that she had changed.

"El, Bella has always been one to stick to herself and you. but you are very big on family, that is what make you different " dad says as he starting to tickle Waylon as Embelle laid on Jasper chest.

"I'm your pa, little man. I'm on your side no matter what"he whispers to him as he holds dads hand and lets out a giggle.

"dad, stop stealing my little boy" I complain as everyone laughs. overall it was a great lunch spent well

I ride with my dad in his cruiser as the others drive ahead to the house.

"dad, can you please use the sirens?" I ask my dad as he let out a sigh.

"I guess, I'll let it slide this time" he chuckles as he flips the sirens on as I let out a laugh as the car in front freaks out thinking they were getting pulled over.

I wait with my dad outside as Carlisle answered the door.

"Charlie" he greets him as dad nods his head.

"where's Bella " he demands walking past him as I follow him.

"Bella" dad calls out as he walks into the main room where everyone stands as dad walks towards Bella as she holds her hand out to stop him.

"no need to worry Bella, I understand." he tries to convince her as Bella shakes her head.

"no Charlie, you don't"

"Bella, he does. I told him everything" I told her. the only one surprised was her as everyone would have known I would do this.

"how could you Elody, you have risk this entire family" Bella raise her voice as I take a step towards her with dad and Jasper each side of me.

"Dad, is our family Bella. you know I would never leave him. he deserved to know" I raise my voice as Bella lets out a grunt.

"this could end badly and it will be all your fault Elody, mark my words" Bella snarls as I snap.

I threw her across the room and held her against the wall as I walk towards her.

"what has happened to you Bella, you've changed" I yelled as she stares at me.

"I get there you're a vampire now, but you will always be my sister, my twin. I know you and I will both fell better with dad by our sides. so snap out of it and see what is in front of you right now. our family" I tell her as her body mood changes and she lets out a dry sob.

I let her go as she rushes towards dad and I pulling us into a hug.

"I'm soo sorry Ellie and dad" she cries out as I let a few tears roll down my face. my twin is back.

After that dad met Rennie and managed to play with all four babies in the play pen in the sun as Emmett and Bella battle each other to see who was stronger.

Naturally I was team Bella, have you seen her? sorry Em bear

weeks past and everything start to fall into place. Sam and Jake reconnected and make the wolves one big group once again. Emily and Bree are hoping to have a wedding in the near future.

Bella received an expensive necklace with a note from the Volturi with their acceptance of Bella new status of become a vampire, although they would want proof soon enough

It seemed we had only one enemy left.


Rennie and Way shot up to look like a few years instead of a few months like Elora and Embelle. We were all worried about how long we would have with them. It just made every moment more precious.

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