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Elody POV

Without knowing I managed to tap into Alice's mind as the vision she was showing Aro if he decided to fight against us today and I grip onto Jasper's hand and Emily's and the both of us mange to showcase the vision to everyone on our side.

Suddenly Alice attacks Aro, kicking him with her leg, sending him flying, but he manages to land back down and orders his guards to take hold of Alice.

 "Take her away." Aro demands his guards looking right Elody smirking. I see myself and the Cullens get angry as they take Alice from us.

 "Let her go!"Carlisle scream taking a step forward as I stand besides him.

"I would listen if it was you old man"I yelled shaking the ground we all stood on.

Carlisle didn't wait and runs forward to attack, he and Aro meet each other mid-air, we then see Aro land on the ground with Carlisle's decapitated head in hand, the rest of the Cullens and our witnesses watch in horror as Caius burns Carlisle's body, before I could even do anything about it. 

This is what caused the fight to start as we all launch to attack with the Wolves running by our side. chaos breaks out with both sides undergoing deaths, Bella tries to use her power to help shield Chris from Jane's power, but Alec attacks Bella, we then see Chris writhe in pain from Jane's power and then beheaded by another Volturi guard.

I let out an earth shattering cry seeing yet another member of my family beheaded and burned to nothing right before my eyes. I grab Alec and use my magic to rip his body apart before nodding at Ben as he sets him on fire.

I then set my eyes on Caius, he took Carlisle from us, the leader of our coven and he is the one to pay, that much I know. Emily and I head straight at him as he looks at us in fear trying to run from us but not before Sam stood behind him snarling as he faces us in fear, visibly shaking.

"Caius it bring me joy to do this"I smirk as I trap him in place as Emily walks over to him as she start to burn parts of his body.

"please just stop it. End it witches " he snarls as Emily smiles.

"as you wish"Emily rips his head off as I burn his body in return.

"keep an eye of Jasper Ellie"Emily yells before running off, I turn around and see Major tearing people apart left, right and centre and I laugh. no one can touch him.

Before I know it Ben cracks a hole through the field as member form our and the vulture fall in the cracks. I see Paul fall down but I grip him and pull him back up as he brushes against me in thanks before attacking a vampire come from behind me.

Then Alice attacks Jane and Bella helps by shielding her, Alice throws Jane to Sam in his wolf form and he kills her,  I look around to see one king still standing and it was Aro. I go to deal with him when I see a few of the guard banging on the barrier covering the kids. I hear my babies scream for me and my rage grows as the wind picks up pulling people from the volturi into the hole in the ground.

they shouldn't even be able to touch the barrier which mean either Rose or Emily was extremely hurt. I look around and see Rose surrounded by guards.

"ROSIE" I scream catching Emmett and Major's attention as they dash to a now badly hurt Rose and struggling Emily who had jumped in to help Rose.

"mummy, I'm scared"Waylon cries as I dash forward grab the middle vampire before ripping his head from his body. I trap the other two as I light them on fire watching them burn.

"mummy, fixed it my loves. scream if you need anything" I blow them a kiss before rushing back to battle. 

before I joined I felt a piece of my body leave me and I knew it was my bond with Emily as I fall to my knees letting out another ear bleeding scream knocking everyone to the floor.

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