Bring her back to me

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Authors note: have fun

For the next few days the Cullens and the wolves were putting their differences aside to work together in the battle against the newborns. While they were sparing, yep you guessed it I was trying to tap into my so called magic with no luck what so ever.

"I give up, I can't do anything" I yell as I drop to the floor in exhaustion. 

"yes you can. I can feel it. you just have to give it time Ellie " Emily reassurances me once again.

"its been two days since my emotional breakdown and discovery and ready or not Victoria, Alex and Jason are coming with their army and guess who they are after?... that's right me again but this time it worse cause they want Bella!..." I start yelling resulting in them all watch me break down again.

"it's okie ells, i'll be ok" Bella speaks up as I keep my eyes on the ground in front of me. awe look the pretty flower.

"not one of those vampires will get anywhere near you, I promise. do you trust my Ellie?" looking up at my Rose.

"with my life" I smile at her as she pulls me into a needed hug.

"besides if they touch you it's just a slow agonising death they will face for touching my best friend" she tells me as I giggle. before I know it i'm in a cullen group hug.

"I can't help but think something will go wrong" I admit to the Cullens as the wolves left well Embry stayed if thats for me or Emily I have no clue.

"is that you're first witchy premonition?" Emmett asks me causing everyone to laugh at our banter.

"Elody can I talk to you for a moment?" Edward asks as he pulls me away from Bella and the cullens.

"what's with all the weird looks Edweirdo?" I laugh as he rolls his eyes at me.

"I want to ask you if it was okay if I were to marry Bella?.... I know you wanted to have a double wedding but with danger coming our way I don't want to want any longer. I love her. She's the one for me" Edward rushes out.

"of course you have my blessing Edward. double wedding or not. Bella's happiness comes first and I know that you make her happy so yes. ask her." I wipe away a few stray tears as Edward pulls me into a brotherly hug.

"thank you el" he whispers as we head inside. the Cullens smirk in our direction Bella and Emily confused as ever.

"what happened?" Bella asked. I smirked.

"just talking to see if my magic would react to Edweirdo here. it worked, I made him fly" I lie on the spot as everyone rolls their eyes and laugh at me.

"Edward knows what buttons to press I guess" Emily laughs as we hold our stomachs.

"Jasper do I have abs yet?" I turn to my boyfriend as he chuckles.

"sure little one" he watches me as I pull Bella and Emily into my arms.

"our last semi normal night let's go party Emily." I yell as she cheers.

"Cullens go hunt! Bella stay with Edward and i'm on Elody duty. party time babes" she yells as we start heading towards the door as Esme and Carlisle block the door.

"we all need rest for tomorrow. just because Edward, Bella and Seth are together and you two and Embry are hiding somewhere else on the mountain doesn't mean you can be reckless tonight. go home and rest " Esme tells us in her mom tone.

"yes mom" we reply as we hug her heading towards Rosies car knowing she will take Emily and I home.

"come on Rosie" I yell as she vamps out the door right behind me.

My Cowboy ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now