Chapter One: Lost Girl

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My name is Princess Elsa, and growing up, my aunt and uncle made my cousin Princess Anna and I believe we were sisters. Which was fun for a while, until I turned 4. I discovered was born with the power to control snow, and ice, and since my aunt and uncle didn't know how to handle my powers, they told me to hide them. Not a good parenting strategy but what could they do?

"Conceal don't feel, don't let them know." They would say.

But things changed when they died 2 years ago. I was 15 and Anna was 12. What was I supposed to? I don't know how to handle my powers, and the only people I knew to go to help were gone. I wasn't born into the family, so even if I wanted to step up and watch over the people of Corona, it wasn't my place. A year later, we were visited by 3 strange looking people. A woman with a platinum blonde lob and a man with red eyes, came to Arendelle

The woman said her name was Storm, and introduced me to Cyclopes. They told me that I'm what's known as a mutant. She is head of a school for mutants like me, and she'd like to take me there, to learn to control my powers. I was skeptical, but after nearly killing my cousin several years ago, I figured it's best for both of us, if I'm not here. I knew I had to tell Anna, but I was afraid of how she'd see me and what she would say. 

What if she told me she hated me? It would break my heart. But I knew it was the right thing to do. I waited for her response a day before leaving, and when she said nothing, I thought that was the end of our sisterhood. I look up at the stairs, but I keep moving when I don't see her. 

"Elsa?" Anna shouts! Her footsteps get closer, and the look on her face breaks my heart.

"Elsa?" She pauses for moment. "I'm sorry I didn't speak to you last night. I was in shock and I honestly didn't know what to say. But, I want you to know that I'm not mad at you for leaving. I just...wish you told me before. But I know hard it's been for you to have to hide yourself, so go and do what you need to do. Just don't forget about me." She smiles softy.

"Anna I could never forget about you. Thank you. I love you."

"You'd better call me when you get there."

I smile. "I will. I love you Anna."

The guards help me take my things to the helicopter. I wave good bye to Anna as the helicopter lifts, flying off into the distance.

"Ms. Storm, what is the name of this place or school we are going to?" I look outside the window confused.

"Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. The professor passed away a few years back, and left the school to me. So, I run it with the help of Jean Grey and Cyclopes, since we were one of the first students to attend the school."

"How come you're so quiet?" I ask Cyclopes.

"I'm a quiet person." He smiles.

An awkward and quiet ride later, we reach a large building with children playing and interacting with each other. Once we land, Storm tells a large man named Logan or Wolverine to take my belongings to a room with the number 14, then offers to show me around. 

"Can I explore?" I ask Storm.

"Sure. Just follow me for a minute. Classes begin tomorrow, and I'd hate for you to be late." She smiles. "I'll have someone to show you around before you do so, and I think you two will get along. She'll be your roommate after all."

Storm shows me to my room and where all my classes will be, before allowing me to explore. The room is clearly for 2 people to share, and it seems my roommate has already moved in with the beautiful and large sunflower on her side of the wall, but isn't in the room. Free to do what I want; I use my powers to put a snowflake on the wall, when there's a knock on the door. An opened door reveals a girl with extremely long golden blonde hair.

For a moment, all we can dois stare at each other. There's something about this girl that seems all toofamiliar.

"Hi, I'm Elsa." I say finally.

"Rapunzel well Edlyn. Nice to meet you." she smiles as she enters the room. 

"Did you do this?" she points at the wall. "It's amazing."

"Thank you. I just felt as though way the room looked was a bit boring. Speaking of which, I love that flower." I smile.

"Thanks, but it's the sun." she corrects me.

"Really, where did you say you were from?" I ask.

"Corona. Do you know that place?"

"I don't know." I sit on my bed. "It just sounds really familiar to me for some reason. But what's with the two names?"

"I was kidnapped when I wasa baby and the woman named me Rapunzel. But when I got home, my mom told me myreal name was Edlyn." Edlyn takes a deep breath. "Well it makes no sensemopping around about it. Come on let's go meet some of my friends." She takesme by the hand pulling me down to the common area. 

Here in the common areaseems to be the spot where people meet. I even met a mermaid by the name of Princess Ariel. There's a lot of people here. As Edlyn and herfriends chat, I sneak away to call Anna. She was my sister for 15 years of mylife, or at least I thought she was, so I seem it's only fair. As I make my waydown the hallway looking down at my phone, I suddenly find myself on the floorwith a headache. 

"Ow." I shriek.

"Good. That'll teach you to watch where you're going." I hear.

       I look up to see a boy with white hair, and icy blue eyes wearing a dark blue sweater with white detailing, brown shorts, no shoes, and some sort of large cane. With all that mouth, you'd figure he'd know how to dress. 

"Excuse me?" I stand.

"And she's deaf too? Great." He scoffs.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes.

I continue down the hallway continuing to look back shocked that someone with no shoes could have such a mouth. Just who is that obnoxious brat anyway? 

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