Chapter Nine: Mom & Dad pt. 2

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"Rapunzel, do not make me repeat myself. Get out."

"My name is Edlyn! You should know that you named me. What are you going to do if I don't leave? Kick me out? How do you think your people will take it? And don't even think about banishing my friends here. Daddy, you and mama are hiding something, and whether you like it or not, we're gonna find out what it is." With that, Elsa, Jack, and I leave the dining area. 

Elsa's Pov

Later that night, the castle is quiet and all seems well, that is if you're anyone but King Frederic and Queen Ariana. Outside my room, Jack stands at the door with a sheepish look of nervousness on his face. 

"Jack what are you doing here?" I ask.

"I was thinking that we go for a walk." He shakes.

"A walk?" I raise my brow. "You can't even stop shaking. Are you cold or something?"

"Uh sure. But come on, what harm could it do?" He smiles.

"Jackson frost, the king and queen are already mad at us, and you think it's best to go for a walk along the halls when they don't even want us in these bedrooms?"


       I smile. I have to admit it is kind of sweet. And I hope it's not weird that I like how nervous he is. I feel like he didn't give himself time to think and I like it. Getting over myself and my fear of being alone with jack, I agree. He's not right, he's cute, so it makes all the difference. Magically applying clothes, I can see the look of amazement on Jack's face, making me smile. 

"Take a picture it'll last longer." I walk past him.

"I just might." He smirks.

Taking him by the hand, I lead him out of my room. "So, what do you wanna do?"

"I don't know I didn't think I'd get this far."

"Why don't we play 21 questions?" I suggest.


"Here's a question," I begin. "what were you thinking when you kissed me the other day?" I stare into his eyes.

"Do I have to answer this?" He sighs.

"Yes, you do. Stop being afraid of your feelings. And besides, when we go back to school, and you for some reason start acting like a dick again, I need something nice to remember you by." 

He fidgets a little, looking uncomfortable. "I guess that's fair. I was thinking how could a woman I barely know make want to become a better man after knowing her for a week." We continue walking. "I was thinking, I want her. I want to know who she is, and who she thinks she is that she can make me feel this way. I want to know if she thinks about me the way I think about her when she goes to bed at night." 

       Before he could finish talking, my lips were already on his. He carries me and I wrap my legs around his waist. He pushes me to the wall, and I run my hands through his soft hair. It's amazing what feelings can make you do. I've been feeling like this from the moment we met. He was rude, but I wanted to know why. You know what they say, that everyone has their 'bad boy phase, but this isn't a phase. 

       Not knowing how every day is going to go isn't the way I want to live, but to know that he feels the same way for me that I do for him. It's breathtaking. The way he was scared to tell me how he felt. The nerves. It's all I wanted. But I know it's 50/50 with him. And like I said I can handle heartbreak right now, so if he decides he no longer wants me when we go back to school, it's going to crush me, but for now, I'm living in the moment. We stop out of breath, and I wipe my lips gloss off my chin. 

"Sorry." I smile.

Jack gives a smirk. "Touché."

       We continue just looking at each other when we hear singing from down the hallway, and yellow light flashing. Because of how close we are, I can hear the song and recognize it as the one Edlyn sings in the morning when she's brushing her hair, or when she uses her hair to heal someone. Her hair glows until she finishes the song. It's got me thinking. Who else knows that song? 

       Jack and I creep down the hallway, and through a crack in the door, we see her parents who seem to have seriously aged since dinner, singing the song in front of an old yellow flower. All of the sudden the two inhale the magic of the flower that immediately cakes them young again. It was nothing like I'd ever seen, and Jack and I stood there shocked, with both our mouths wide open. 

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