Chapter Seven: Not When You Want Me

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       Edlyn and I finish our breakfast, and she decides to take me for a walk to clear my head since I haven't said much since Jack left the caf. 

"Hey Elsa, I want to ask this seriously. Are you okay? Cuz you haven't said much." She says softly.

"I know; I just don't know how to feel about the whole thing. I mean, I thought he hated my guts, not wanted to taste my lips. And I hate to say it, but I loved it." 

       Just as I say this, Jack is leaning on the wall at the end of the hallway as if he's waiting for me. 

"Go. Please. Don't leave him hanging. We'll talk about our thing later." Edlyn walks off past him.

"What thing?" he says without looking at me.

"The thing that's none of your business." I cross my arms. "Besides, I'm not going to tell someone who acts as if they hate me, and then all of the sudden kisses me. I told you before you kissed me, I don't play that."

"Look, I'm sorry I did that okay?"

I scoff. "Y-you're sorry? Okay. Fine. Then why'd you do it?" I cross my arms.

"Be-are you mad?" He looks at me shocked.

"Yeah, I am." I flop my arms at my side. I cross my arms again. "Look, Jack, if you like me, then you shouldn't be ashamed of that feeling. It's not a sin to have feelings for someone. I won't come second place to a stupid reputation you feel you have to uphold. And I'm not about to talk to you about your feelings when you're not even sure how you feel." I turn around. "Let me know when you've figured yourself out." I start to walk off.

"Elsa wait." Jack calls out.

I turn to face him. "Unless you're going to say something about how you feel, I don't want to hear it." 

Later That Night...

We rest for about an hour and a half before our alarms ring. I can't believe this is happening. I feel like I should go talk to Jack or something, but I don't even know what to say. 

"Thanks for the kiss I love you?" 

       No. I'm 17, I'm not supposed to know what love is. Anyway, I can't deal with it. Not right now anyway. Especially not with someone who's bipolar about his feelings. If he likes me he shouldn't be ashamed of that. I've worked too long to love myself, and no guy is gonna make me hate that. I know he feels something, but I'm waiting my whole life to find out what that is. If only he was sure, I'd have it all. 

       Edlyn and I leave our room, sneak past the rooms, and head down to the school basement. Down in the basement, the planes are in another room, but the keys are in another small room that's locked. Using a hair clip from my hair, the door opens, and we grab a key. To pick an airship was both scary and cool. Picking the smallest one we could find, we head in setting our luggage down then sit at the controls. 

"Do you know how to fly this thing?" I ask.

"I guess we'll find out how well I was listening in class." Edlyn grazes the controls.

I look at her unsure. "Dude seriously, I'm trusting you with my life when I should be asleep."

"Relax I got this. Go close the door."

       I stand and run to the back. I hold the latch and before I close it, various lights turn on followed by a large commotion. I'm about to close the door when I see Director Storm, professor Cyclops, professor Jean, and Wolverine running towards us. I quickly close the door and go back to Edlyn. 

"We've got a problem." I huff buckling in.


"The teachers are coming. So we need to go like now." 

Thank goodness we just had a class about this. I press the button to open the roof just as Storm and Jean use their powers, so to counteract them, so do I. Surprisingly, it works and we're off. I turn around to see if we're being followed, and we're not. 

"Whew, that was close." A voice says. I recognize the voice, so I go looking for where it's coming from. 

I stand up and turn around. In the back behind my seat, eating my dam snacks is the one and only Jackson Overland Frost sitting buckled in.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I cross my arms.

"I'm ready to talk now."

       I stand looking at him, unsure what to say. I literally told him to leave me alone, so he follows me. Is he hard of hearing?   

 "Oh, that's rich. I don't wanna hear it." I roll my eyes.

"Elsa?" Edlyn calls. "What's going on, who is it?"

"It's our worst nightmare. Open the door, because Jackson's going home." I don't take my eyes off him.

"What? We are God knows how many feet in the air, and you just want me to land?"

"That, and you're going the wrong way." He looks at me smiling.

"I don't care if you fall to your death," I bend over in his face. "get out."

"Whoa, whoa," Edlyn joins us. "that's not nice at all. I mean, I know he's annoying, but I will not be a witness."

"Edlyn how are you here?" I ask confused.

"It's on autopilot." She shrugs.

       Jack sighs standing. 

"And just where you do you think you're going?" Edlyn raises her brow.

"Nowhere if Rapunzel's driving. You want to go to Corona don't you?"

"Edlyn. And you know that how?" Edlyn puts her hands on her sides.

"Don't worry about that." He pauses. "Look do you want to go or not?"

"Fine." I give in reluctantly. 

       Moving past me, he takes a seat in the pilot area and Rapunzel leaves to the other side of the ship. 

"And where are you going?"

"Oh please." Edlyn scoffs. "you and I both know what's about to happen, and whether or not you like it; it has to happen. So get over it and talk to him, because I'm not taking a trip home with two passive-aggressive snow blowers." 

       Knowing she's right I take the co-pilot seat next to him. Not saying a word. Even though I hate him right now, all I want to do is get on top of him and kiss him senselessly, but we can't crash because I can't bring myself to slap him. 

"So...Corona huh?"

"Shut up Jack." I roll my eyes. "On top of you following me, calling me a bitch, threatening me, and then kissing me out of nowhere, I still can't bring myself to slap you for some reason. So just for 5 minutes just shut up." 

       I look outside, looking at the floor turn from snow to dry land. Exactly 5 minutes go by before more words are spoken. 

"Look Elsa," He looks at me. "I was...wrong." 

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