Chapter Twelve: An Old Friend

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Eugene's Pov

A Year Later...

       I miss Rapunzel so much. She was so easy to talk to, and honestly the only person that ever really liked me for who I really am, even after meeting her for only an hour. But I told her I'd look after her parents. It's the only thing I can do since she saw me even when I was hiding. As promised, I make my way to the castle to check on King Frederic and Queen Ariana. It's good practice for a girl I hope to marry one day to get to know her parents first. 

       I feel like no matter how independent you are, your parents come first. Or at least someone does. Anyway, I get to the city, and as usual, it's bustling with live music and lovely people. Only a few times do I have to switch into Flynn to get by. I told them I'd be by the castle at 4 p.m. and it was already 3;45. When I finally reach the castle, I get a strange feeling that something isn't right. 

       I sneak around the back and climb in through a hidden opening. It leads me down an extremely long hallway, and finally up a flight of stairs. I open a latch and crawl through the small opening. I stand and find myself in what looks like Rapunzel's bedroom. I smile looking around, when I hear whimpering that sounds like it's coming from a room a few doors down. I slowly sneak down and peep my head through. 

I see Queen Ariana and King Frederic tied up and a bit bloody, crying uncontrollably. A woman with long, black, curly hair wearing a dark red dress and a black cloak paces angrily around them yelling at them for using her flower? What the hell does that mean? She says her name is Mother Gothel, and I recognize the name from Rapunzel's story. 

"You're going to regret what you've done your majesties." Gothel demands.

"Please, we don't even know who you are..." Queen Ariana begins.

"Whatever we did, we're sorry." King Frederic finishes.

Gothel laughs deviously. "You will be." 

       Gothel twists the bottom half of her necklace, releasing a large flash of dark purple light. Followed by screams the King and Queen disappear before my very eyes. Twisting the top of her necklace she transforms herself into both Frederic and Ariana. She looks herself in the mirror smiling at what a good job she's done. 

"Now all I have to do is wait for Rapunzel's little friend." 

Present Day...

Rapunzel/ Edlyn's Pov

"What are you doing?" Jack and Elsa grab me.

"Sorry. We've got a huge problem guys." I huff.

"You mean other than your mom and dad after us?" Elsa looks at me funny. I guess she has a point.

"No, no Elsa, that's not my mom and dad. I don't know how, but Mother Gothel kidnapped my parents just like she kidnapped me, and turned herself into them to get close to the flower. You know the one that makes her fake her age?"

"So we're being chased by a crazy witch who's been alive hundreds of years because you have magic in your hair that'll keep her young?" Jack questions. "Just another Tuesday I guess huh?"

"Shut up Jack." Elsa laughs.

"I'll give you that."

Jack, Elsa, and I reach a dead end,

"Great, so we come here to get answers about where Elsa's from and chased by an evil witch, obsessed with not aging. Lovely." Huffs Jack.

"Speaking of which," Elsa adds. "what do we do now?"

"Rapunzel!" A familiar voice sings.


"I bet you want to know where your parents are?" she sings. 

        Without any warning, 6 knives fly right by my head, nailing Gothel to the tree behind her almost instantly. She gasps but before she can move Elsa, Jack, and I hit her with all of our power all at once. I can tell she's growing weaker, but before we can really do damage, she disappears leaving the knives in their place. I smile knowing exactly who's responsible. 

"Eddy, you okay? You look like you actually enjoyed seeing someone almost get stabbed to death." Jack looks at me funny.

"It's not the knives Jackson, it's the person who threw them. Come on guys we're safe now. Kind of." 

       Slick and sly, Eugene walks out of the forest, collecting the knives. Before turning to me. And smiling. 

"And look at that poker face."

"Please," I roll my eyes with a smile on my face. "it took you long enough. I was beginning to think you weren't coming. Didn't know who I was going to see today. By the way, the name's Edlyn now."

"I love it."  

Eugene picks me up wrapping me in his arms spinning me around in the air. Then before I can say anything else, he kisses me like he's been waiting for it for the past 2 years. Without hesitation, I kiss him back, and for a moment it's like it's just me and him. That is until my annoying maybe sister clears her throat. I mean, did I not let her finish talking to Jack before interrupting her? Dam let me get some. We pull away nervously. 

"So unfair I let you iceberg finish." I whisper to Elsa.

"No, you didn't."

I roll my eyes. "Anyways," I announce. "Elsa and Jackson, this is Eugene Fitzherbert. Eugene, this is Jack Frost, and Elsa, my maybe sister. Eugene helped me find my way home, and I've never stopped thinking about him since." I smile at him. 

       Eugene takes us far down an odd path, up a ladder to a treehouse I've never seen. He sits us down and I get a bad feeling. 

"After you left, I kept your promise, but there's something I have to tell you, and it's not pretty."

"What is it?" Elsa takes my hand seeing the look of worry on my face.

       Eugene starts to tell us what happened when he went to see my parents not long after I left. How he sensed something was off and took my secret tunnel to get into my room, and saw my parents tied up and crying. Then finally when she sucks my parents into her necklace and changes her appearance to fool everyone. 

"I don't know what's going on with that freak of a lady, but we're with you." Jack says. The first nice thing he's said to me ever since we met. 

       What am I supposed to do? How do I defeat someone I don't know how to deal with? But then Jack speaks letting to focus be on him. 

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