Chapter Five: Answers

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"Really? You need my help?" Jack smiles.

"Yes, idiot. I need you to help me get information on..." As I'm talking I realize something. Jack likes Elsa, and what better way to get him to confess his so obvious feelings for her than when she's too busy paying attention to everything else but him? "You what Jack," I stand. "never mind."

"What do you mean never mind?" He sits up.

"I mean," I walk over to the door. "It's not your problem anymore. So don't worry about it."

"Whatever." Jack kisses his teeth. Geez, someone's feelings are hurt.

       Leaving the room, I head back to mine with my genius plan in motion. This one I'll have to keep to myself. It's said that Snow White and Prince Charming knew they were meant for each other, after only meeting twice, and I never understood how that could even be possible until I saw the way Jack looked at Elsa when they met for the very first time. The way he hesitated to figure out what to say, and the look of surprise at the way she responded. 

It was amazing. I close the door to my dorm and see Elsa's face in her pillow. I frown when I see her. And roll my eyes. 

"Okay seriously? What are you a Disney Princess? Come on get up." I flip her over.

"No." she replies with her face in her pillow.

"Besides, I need to talk to you, and I don't think you're going to believe me." I sit on my bed in front of her.

"Talk to me about what?" she sits up. "What's going on?"

"Well," I exhale sharply. "okay so when I went to the room to get something and was on my way back, I overheard Director Storm talking to Professor Jean and Cyclopes. They were talking about us, more specifically you."


"Yeah. Storm was saying that your birth certificate says Corona, not Arendelle, but you've lived there your whole life. And then she said that we're sisters. Twins actually."

"You're lying." She turns over angrily.

"Elsa no. I'm not. This is hard for me too."

"You're lying. My aunt and uncle said..." she pauses. "Anna and I are cousins. Then...I wasn't born there." Elsa stands nearly on the verge of tears, then falls to the floor.

It's as she realized that her entire life had been a lie. I try to catch her as she falls but I let her lean against my shoulder. 

"If it makes you feel any better I was kidnapped as a baby and found out I was the lost princess like a week before Storm found me."

"Edlyn, how the hell was that supposed to make me feel better?! I don't know who I am. Am I even a princess at all?" Elsa cries.

"Well, that's what we have to find out isn't it?" I smile softly.

Elsa wipes her face. "Okay so, what's the plan?" She sniffles.

"Tomorrow night when everyone's asleep, we're going to steal an airship, and fly to Corona."

"What?" she looks at me crazy. "You want me to leave the only place that feels like home right now? No way. Just because I have no idea who I am now, doesn't mean I'm going to steal from the only place I've ever really belonged." 

       Elsa gets in bed ready to sleep. Flipping over, she's not looking at me. Looking at her mood, I know only 6 words to go get her moving. 

"You won't have to see Jack."


"Seriously?" I look shocked.

Elsa turns around to look at me. "I don't know or want to know what's going on with him, but I for sure know it'll do me some good not to see him for a couple of days."

"You two really need to figure that out because don't get me wrong, as much as I love to see you shutting that sexy brat up, it's starting to annoy me." I climb into bed.

"Can you please not call him a sexy brat? Seriously it's weird." Elsa puts her face in her hands.

I give her a look. "Girl please, look at me and tell me I'm lying?"


"Because you can't."

Elsa groans only proving my point. "Can we please just go to sleep?" She doesn't look at me.

"Yeah. And about what I said, I was just trying to say, that it's okay not to know where you come from, but that shouldn't define who you are. You hear everyone say it all the time. We're not the people who raised us. If that were so, I wouldn't be here today." 

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