Chapter Three: Bad Boys pt.2

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Jack's Pov

       I go back to my room slamming the door shut behind me and begin pacing back and forth, unsure of what to do. I feel weird, and I don't like it. Most people wouldn't even dare. To speak to me like that, but this new chick gets here, and I allow it? I'm not myself. How do I handle this? How is a chick I just met gonna make me feel less? But at the same time her standing up to me was kind of hot. 

I don't know if I should be mad, angry, aroused or all of the above. If anything I'm impressed. But no. I'm the man of this school. I can have any girl I want, but this girl is the exact flavor I'd like to try. Elsa. Who is she anyway. It seems like she has the same powers I have. We have more in common than I'd like to admit. Where did she get her powers, they're like mine but not really? Almost like a spirit. 

I'm thinking about her way too much. How did she make me feel like this, from meeting just once? It wasn't even a nice meeting. I was a dick. And she can see right through me. If I start to act all nice, people are gonna think I've gone soft and I can't have that. Still caught up in my thoughts. Moments later I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in." I answer. I figured someone would come for me since I'm the only student that's not in class. I open the door, and to my surprise it's Wolverine. Of all people, why did the metal dog come for me? I step back surprised and if I'm being honest, a bit scared.

"S-sir what are you doing here?"

He closes the door and sits on the chair. "Sit down." He commands. "What's wrong with you?"

"Uh, what are you talking about?"

"No seriously what's wrong with you? You're bothering the new kid? I mean I get it for you she's hot. But she's not your type."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask a bit annoyed. "She's not my type, what do you know about what my type is?"

Who does this guy think he is telling me she's not my type. Even if she's not, I can have any girl I want. And he needs to stop talking to me like he knows me. 

"It means, she seems like she's going places in life, and no offense but you don't."

"How is that no offensive?" I stand angrily. Logan takes my shoulder, sitting me down once again.

"Look," He sighs. "all I'm saying is, if you want to impress a girl like that, who clearly isn't taking any of your bullshit, you're not gonna get anywhere by acting like a dick." With that he stands and walks out. "And go to class!" 

I lay back on my bad, then sit up. Oh great, now I actually have to go to class because mister bigmouth over here had to be so loud. I leave the room to walk back down to school after bigmouth announces I'm not in class, and of course classes have begun. I don't want to go to mine, and since it's almost done, there's not point. So I walk around. When I get to Elsa's class I stop to watch her. It's like it's all I can do. 

I can't look away, and I find myself focusing on her every detail. How plays with her fingers when she's nervous, or bites her lip when she's angry or confused. I decide to take some things Wolverine said into consideration, and wait outside of her classroom for her to come out.

"Jack?" she questions confused. "What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to talk to you." I avoid eye contact.

"Really, about what?" She crosses her arms.

"I just wanted to tell you that..." I whisper in her ear. "you're a spoiled little rich girl who thinks she's going to get away with humiliating me in front of everyone, but I'm only going to allow it because it was kinda hot. Just know it's not gonna happen again. And I'll make sure of that." 

       Without hesitation, the last thing I see I her hand being raised. One second I'm looking at her angry face, and the next I'm looking to the side. Feeling a bruise on my face that I know is going to be there for a while.

Elsa gets close to me and whispers in my ear. "I just got here and there's no way, I'm going to let someone like you ruin what I have going on. You have no idea the people I had to leave behind before coming here, only to be bullied just for showing up. Thanks for that Jack. If you stay out of my way, I promise I'll stay out of yours." She walks off. And for the first time in a long time, I actually feel bad. 

       I didn't know how that was going to go, but I didn't think it was going to go like that. Later on in the day after eating dinner in my room, there was a knock on my dorm door. Thinking it's Wolverine again, I prepare for the worst, and go to open the door. I'm shocked to see Rapunzel or Edlyn. Whatever she's calling herself, enter the room. She sits across from me on the desk chair.

She looks like she's really seen some things, and she huffs unsure what to say catching her breath on my chair.

"Rapunzel? What are you doing here? And can you make this fast, if Wolverine catches you in here, he'll kill me."

"First of all," she huffs. "my name is Edlyn. And Second, you need to stop being rude to Elsa, because what you pulled today wasn't cool."

I roll my eyes. "Did you need something?"

"I need your help." She sighs. "There's something I need to figure out. I need to be sure of it." 

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