Chapter Thirteen: Remember Who You Are

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     Jack's Pov

       I take the floor, and up until this very moment, I've loved the spotlight, but this is awkward. The only reason I'm even talking about it now is that I think I combined with all of our powers, can defeat Gothel and free Edlyn's parents. I never thought I'd hate the attention, but hey, life. So I clear my throat and get started. 

"Years ago I forgot who I was, and that was nice for a while, but that was until The Man in the Moon asked for my help. When Santa asked me what my center was I found it difficult to answer. The truth was, I didn't know. I kept hearing a young girl calling me, and I did all I could to find her. I even ruined Bunny's Easter that year. Everything seemed to fall apart, but I was able to retain my memories."

"So how old are you exactly?" Elsa raises her brow.

"I'm definitely over 300."

Elsa sighs shocked. "Well then. So, who are you?"

"My name is Jackson Overland Frost, but long ago I was created by a king and queen who needed to protect their son. I was one of 7 of the most powerful beings on the planet and the last of my kind. A Nightlight. I have starlight inside of me. I fought Pitch, but in the process, the king and queen died. Luckily they sent their son to the moon to protect him. My fight with Pitch was both a success and a loss because I was trapped inside of pitch, but he was dormant. I had a very strong friendship with a woman named Katherine or Mother Nature. Unfortunately, and fortunately, when I was freed, Pitch was awakened. The man in the moon chose the guardians to protect the children, from Pitch which was especially good since, in the dark ages, Pitch thrived. For me, Katherine and I's relationship was growing, and once we kissed everything changed." 

"Where was Pitch all that time?"

"Destroying lives," I answer. "My destiny was to become a star, and since the prince was now an old and wise man, I no longer had someone to protect. Not to mention, my being trapped inside of Pitch made me pass my prime time to become a star. But the kiss was life-changing because a kiss was magic from the earth, whereas I was a magical being. For the first time I dreamt, but I was a human boy with white hair, brown shorts, no shoes, and dark blue sweater."

"Jack Frost."

"Exactly. But I had brown hair and brown eyes. I knew I had to leave the life I knew behind, and went in search of this house I saw in my dream, and eventually, I did. I was given a family to protect me, and my story as a regular boy ends when I save my little sister Flee. We were playing on the frozen lake but the ice was cracking. Using the stick, I have now, I threw my sister to the side, saving her, but I fell inside the water. When I woke up I had white hair and blue eyes. I had lost my memories and the only thing I knew was my name."

Edlyn sighs. "I don't want to be a bitch, but what was the point of this story albeit interesting, but we're actually running for our lives at the moment." 

"I'm saying I don't think Gothel's dealt with magic from the stars, so using my new powers and ours, we could stop her, and free your parents." 

       For a moment we sit thinking about what to do when Edlyn looks at me. She nods, and we think of a plan. She has magic we've never seen, but all magic has its limits.

"I'll draw her out." Edlyn announces.

Edlyn's Pov


"Elsa she's right," Eugene adds. "I don't like it either, but Gothel isn't going to come if Edlyn doesn't go. It's her she wants."

"Besides, won't she be an old lady by now?" Jack adds.

My face lights up. "Yes. Yes, she will. But Eugene you'll have to throw a knife to slice off her necklace without her noticing. You have to be careful she doesn't see you."

"What do I do?" Elsa takes my hand.

"You're with me. She clearly knows something about us, and if she knows you have magic, she'll want to approach you and figure out what it is. This is when she'll be most vulnerable." I explain.

"Jack, you need to destroy her. And it has to be perfect timing. I'll come out first, and bait her. Then, Elle, you'll come out. She'll want to feel her necklace as she tells us she has my parents or she'll say our parents based on what she knows. She'll let go, and Eugene will throw a knife to cut off her necklace before she can notice, and knowing Gothel, she'll want to get close to Elsa no matter how threatened she feels. She is confident because of her magic, and be lost in Elsa. I'll give the signal. It'll be me running my hands through my hair." I give a quick look at what I mean then continue. "Jack and Elsa will hit her with their magic to weaken her first." I explain.

"She'll be upset and spitting out all secrets to get under your skin." Eugene adds.

"When she's looking for her necklace, Jack or Nightlight, whatever you're calling yourself, you hit her with your starlight. I don't think she'll be able to handle all of that magic, and it'll kill her. As long as we have the necklace, we need to end her, or she'll never stop coming for me." I finish.

"You want him to kill her?" Elsa asks shocked.

"It's the only way. Even if we have her locked up, we don't any way to stop her from using her powers, and we'll be right back where we started."

Elsa runs her hands through her hair, "No, I just wanted to do it. I don't care what we learn today, I'm tired of seeing her, and just want to know where I come from already. I'm sick of her shit."

"That's the scariest thing I've ever heard. I love it." Jack smiles.

I stop them. "That's enough. It's go time." 

       My friends leave, and I prepare for the plan to take place. Do I really want to see Gothel again? She ruined my life and then tried to justify it. Awesome. I take a deep breath and am about to leave the treehouse when I hear a familiar voice singing my old name. 

"Rapunzel!" Gothel sings. "Come down sweetheart."

"I'm not your sweetheart." I bite back. I climb down facing her. "And my name is Edlyn witch."

"How dare you speak to your mother like that?"

"You're not my mother. I don't talk to my mother like that." I command. "So watch your mouth."

"You know honey, I've missed you." she walks towards me.

I fake a smile. "I've missed you too. So I brought you a present." 

I look back at Elsa, who walks out confident showing off her powers. The look on Gothel's face is exactly what I thought it would be. The large smile and the lust in her eyes. Hungry bitch. I knew we really had her when she touched her necklace smiling. 

"What a shame they sent you away before I could get to you, Elsa. Imagine the power I'd have with both twins in my possession?!" she smiles widely. "Don't worry when I see your parents again," she looks down at her necklace. "I'll make sure to let them know I now have everything they could ever want." 

       Gothel looks back at us walking towards us. Elsa and I share a shocked but happy look then take each other's hand. I flip my hair, then I see a tear fall down her cheek, and suddenly a small piece of her hair falls from her head, followed by a wisp of air. I look up at Gothel, who's close enough to see the tear on Elsa's cheek. Gothel chuckles but doesn't seem to notice what's happened. Perfect. 

Gothel touches Elsa's hair, smiling. "So interesting. The flower gave you power beyond your wildest dreams, and gave the other regeneration." 

Elsa takes Gothel's heart. "It also gave me the ability to be able to detect bullshit." 

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