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Wilbur and Phil explained it slowly three times before Y/n could actually understand.

"Okay. So when are we going to the nether?"

"Right now actually." They walked downstairs and a purple portal met Y/n's eyes. She stuck her hand through and felt heat.

"Just walk through." She walked through and the heat smacked her in the face.

"What the fuck..." There was a huge kingdom infront of her as well as small houses and trading carts. They walked through the village and whispers arose from around them.

"Who is that?"

"Their back!"

"Don't listen to them. They can say rude things sometimes." Wilbur whispered before they walked into the castle.

"Woah..." She looked around the castle awestruck.

"Pretty cool right! I grew up here!" Wilbur seemed very happy.

"This is cool!" Phil walked into a room.

"Uh Do we have extra armor?"

"Yeah, there's armor that should fit her right over there."

"Here Y/n follow me." She ran over to him and followed him to a suit of armor and some weapons. "This is gonna be your suit of armor. Have you used a sword before?"

"No? I did archery for a while though."

"Okay there's some bows over there and grab as many arrows as you need." She wondered if her powers still worked and picked up a small rock.

Oh thank god.

She got the armor on. Surprisingly quickly. Y/n had done a lot of study on how people fought and the older times. She grabbed a bow flung it over her shoulder and strapped a thing of arrows around her waist.

"Is everyone ready?" Phil asked.



"I guess?" They walked out of the room and away from the portal.

"So where are we going?"

"Dream's castle."

|~An Hour Of Walking Later~|

"We're here. Be careful." Y/n made a small hole in the netherrack and they sat inside.

"We are gonna have to get in through the roof." Y/n had an arrow in her hand just in case. She heard footsteps and quickly closed the small hole with netherrack. Techno made a small fire in his hands so they can see.

"Footsteps." She pressed her ear to the wall. The footsteps were walking away from the castle. She teleported out and it was a guard. She teleported back in "It was a guard. What should we do?"

"Can you teleport us to the top of the tower?" Phil asked.

"Yeah. Hold on tight to each other." She grabbed onto Phil's arm and teleported them to the top of the castle.

"Dream has a dungeon below the ballroom. Y/n your armor was designed to look like the guards in the castle."

"Oh I know what you want me to do. Yeah I'll do that."

"Can't enderman make portals?" Techno asked. She made one above him and one under him.

"I'll make a portal next to you when I arrive at the room." Techno continued to fall through the portals with his arms crossed. She teleported inside the castle and took a deep breath.

Just act normal. Under the ballroom is where they are.

She walked with her hands behind her back towards what she assumed the ballroom is. There was a staircase that went underground and she walked down. She blocked the hallway behind her with stones and netherrack. There was a guard at the bottom of the stairs.

"Dream has stated that no other guards can visit the prisoners."

"He sent me to look at the cells to make sure they were up to date."

"He just told me that there would be a break in soon."

"Dang, that doesn't seem like my problem." The guard's eyes widened. She grabbed an arrow and stabbed him in the neck with it. She then buried him in a pile of rocks. Y/n ran down the hallway until she found the cell with the four in it.

"Y/N!" They yelled. She made a portal besides her and the others fell through. She heard a crash and knew the guards had broken through the rock filled hallway. She quickly made another barrier.

"I stirred shit up. Let's get them out and leave." Techno melted the lock. Ranboo and Niki hugged Y/n tightly.

"I swear to god if you two go missing again I'm gonna kill something."

"Okay Y/n can you make another portal to the top of the tower again." The wall she'd just made began to shake. She made another portal and they all hopped through. The portal and teleporting was starting to wear her down.

"You okay Y/n?" Ranboo asked seeing her exhaustion.

"Yeah I'm okay."

"We should start the walk back." She teleported them to the small area from before. There was a gunshot.

"RUN!" She made a wall a distance in front of them. She was about to reach it when something pierced her skin. She leaned against the wall and covered the bullet wound.

"I think we have a problem."

"What's wrong?"

"Well one how are we gonna move around with them shooting and," She held up her blood stained hand. "I got shot." Wilbur ran over as well did some of the others. She squeezed her eyes shut in pain.

"We need someone to teleport us back." She created a portal under them and they fell into the main big room of their own castle. She hit the ground and yelled in pain. Ranboo picked her up.

"We have to get her to the medical wing." Ranboo teleported him and Phil to the wing and laid her down on a bed.

"Just hold on Y/n." Medic's came over and began to remove the armor. She was wearing clothes underneath and her shirt was stained through with blood. Y/n winced in pain as they moved her onto her side. They injected something through a needle into her arm and the world went black.

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