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Niki found her a while later.

"You okay?" Niki sat down next to her.

"Yeah. I'm okay."

"Be honest Y/n."

"I'm just overwhelmed, I don't want to worry anyone though. There are problems that we need to fix before worrying about me."

"Just because there are other problems doesn't mean yours are any less important."

"Oh okay."

"The others are waiting for you in the throne room. I'm sorry they made you feel embarrassed."

"I wasn't embarrassed." She teleported them into the throne room.

"Welcome back Y/n."

"Do you need me for something?"

"We wanted to discuss an issue."


"Dream declared war against us. He wants us to go to his castle, since the villagers have nothing to do with this, and fight with him."


"I think we should go and fight them." Techno added.

"Shut up Techno." Y/n said glaring at him.

"You shut up." Techno walked over to her and glared at her. Eye contact made enderman mad and this was infuriating.

"You shut up." She shot back with attitude. If looks could kill they'd both be dead.

"You really think I'd ever be scared or intimidated by you, this is quite funny that your trying to be scary." He smirked. She waved her hand and a chunk of netherrack smacked him in the face. Techno tried to fight back but Wilbur pulled him back.

"Why don't we just let them fight? They obviously hate each other." Tommy suggested.

"I do want to see what Y/n can do." Phil muttered.

"I don't think we should let the two fight but she can train."


"We're right here." Techno and Y/n said at the same time.

"Techno take her to the training room." They walked down to the training room.

"I'm sorry Y/n." Techno mumbled, wrapping something around his hands.

"You should be sorry."

"I didn't mean for that to happen to Jack."

"I don't care."

"I'm not joking Y/n." She turned around and glared at him. The room went silent and Y/n traced her hand over the wood of a bow.

"Jack talked about you and your family all the time." She said quietly. "He would go on and on about how much he enjoyed hanging out with you and that he looked forward every time." Techno sighed.

"When we decided to pull that prank on Jack I thought it was gonna be funny. I didn't expect anything bad to happen."

"I don't know why we led him to that place anyway. That was stupid of us." She nodded. Techno started to polish a sword.

"I know what we did was stupid Y/n."


"I really want the friendship we had those years ago back. I'm getting tired of getting my ass kicked and getting yelled at." Y/n chuckled.

"I'll try to stop beating you up Techno. No promises, your pretty damn annoying." They laughed quietly.

"Nice to see you two getting along." Wilbur said with a smirk.

"How long have been standing there?"

"Everything past 'I didn't mean for that to happen to Jack' I heard."


"Anyway Phil wants to tell you something." Y/n made a portal to Phil and they all jumped through.

"I wanted to tell you guys something. Dream's Troops are at the border. We need to strike."

"So you want us to get ready?"

"Yes. Tell Puffy to go to the safe room with Ranboo, Niki, Tubbo, and Tommy."

"Their powerful we should let them fight."

"No. Ranboo and Niki are all I have left." The room went silent.

"We will protect them." Phil assured with a smile.

"I'm gonna get ready." She teleported into the armory and suited up. She strapped the quiver of arrows around her waist and grabbed onto the best crafted bow there.

"Ranboo, Niki, And Puffy are In a room in the blacksmiths work area thing. I suggest you give them weapons." She grabbed a few swords and teleported to the three.

"What's going on Y/n?" Niki asked.

"Dream's army is here to battle. I requested you stay here, We only have each other right now. I need you guys to stay safe." She hugged them all tightly.

"If anything happens, you know if you call for help I'll find you." She gave them a smile and teleported to Techno.

"Their safe." Phil nodded in response.

"EVERYONE! HEAD TO THE BORDER!" Techno yelled to the army. Y/n ran with the group. She was very fast, even considering the amount of armor she had on. She loaded an arrow and shot it into the crowd. There was a loud thunk and she knew she hit someone.

"ATTACK!" Dream's army ran into theirs, Y/n throwing large pieces of rocks into the crowd.

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