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Y/n ended up leaving the pool two hours later. She changed into a super oversized hoodie and some leggings.

Someone knocked on her door.

"You can come in." Techno opened the door.

"Phil wanted me to tell you dinner was ready." She looked up at him.

"Okay, thanks."

"Is everything okay?" She rested her head in her hands as Techno sat down next to her.

"I'm just overwhelmed."

"We all are..." A quiet voice said from behind her. She whipped around to see a ghost there.

"Fuck off will you?" Techno chuckled.

"What's overwhelming you?"

"Well Ranboo's birthday is tomorrow and I don't have anything set up for him and I feel really bad. Also my dad is dead and as much as I cared about him I miss him a lot. I miss my ferret and my home."

"Oh..." They sat in silence. "Why don't you come down for dinner, maybe once you eat some food you'll feel better."

"Yeah, okay." She teleported the both of them into the dining hall and they began to eat. After dinner Y/n teleported straight into her room to get some sleep. She got under the blankets and fell asleep almost immediately.


"Y/N! Y/N! WAKE UP!" Ranboo yelled knocking on her door. She ran out of bed and opened it quickly.


"COME ON!" Ranboo pulled her downstairs and into the dining hall. There were presents and decorations around. They were black, red, white, and green. As well as some gold streamers.

"DID YOU DO THIS?!" He asked happily.

"No?" The others walked in. Niki gave Ranboo a big hug.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY RANBOO!" Everyone yelled. She noticed Techno wasn't here. There was a loud squeak and her ferret was in it's cage by Ranboo's presents. She ran towards the cage and opened it quickly. Finn climbed into her arms and squeaked continuously. She hugged her.

"AWWW IT'S SO CUTE!" Tubbo yelled running over.

"You can hold her if you want." She handed Finn over to Tubbo and they started to play around.

"Can I open presents?!"

"How about you eat breakfast first Ranboo." She nodded to the table which had Ranboo's favorite foods on it. Everyone walked over and started to eat. Y/n walked over to Phil.

"Where's Techno?"

"Sleeping, his room is down the hall from yours if you want to wake him up."

"Okay, I'll be right back." She teleported to the hallway and knocked on Techno's door. He mumbled something.


"I'll be right out!" A few seconds later Techno opened the door. She giggled.


"Your hair super messy." He ran back into his room. She heard him say, "Goddammit." and continued to laugh. He came back out with his hair in a bun.

"Why are you so tired Techno? Aren't you always up early?"

"Oh I was up all night decorating and cooking."

"Wait you decorated for Ranboo?"

"Yeah? Wh-" She hugged him tightly before he could respond fully.

"Thank you so much."

"Oh it's no problem." Techno was blushing furiously. Y/n teleported the both of them into the dining hall.

"TECHNO! LOOK!" Ranboo yelled happily.

"It's very cool Ranboo!" Techno said with a smile.

Hate You Less (Techno x reader)Where stories live. Discover now