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Ranboo walked up to the nether portal and leaned against the tree.

"You knocked him out." He said quietly.

"Oh, sorry." He teleported to a branch next to the one she was on and grabbed her hand. (Platonically)

"I know your mad at him about Jack. But We knew what Techno was trying to do. And Techno never meant for Jack to die."

"You don't know that."

"I do. Tubbo told me Techno regrets ever pulling that prank."

"As if. Techno didn't care."

"Y/n. I know you miss Jack and you blame Techno for it. But you need to move on. I'm not saying you have to forgot about Jack, we will remember him forever. You need to realize that Techno regrets it and wants to try and make things better." She rolled her eyes in response.

"Will you promise to try and hate him less?"


"They want you back at the castle. Phil's gonna give you both a stern talking too apparently." They teleported into the castle and towards the throne room where the talking was. Techno was sitting In a chair holding something to his face. Y/n walked in with her arms folded.

"I wanna have a talk with you and Techno." The others walked out.

"What is it Phil."

"I know both of you have done things you regret and that have made the other person mad. One day your gonna need each other."

"I doubt it." Techno said In a monotone voice.

"Stop. I need you two to go retrieve something from Dream's castle."


"WHY?" Y/n yelled.

"Because you two are powerful! Just go suit up in armor and get ready." Y/n teleported into the armory and strapped the armor on. She was putting the arrow over her shoulder when Techno walked in.

"What does your dad want."

"Some sort of gem, I have a picture." Techno got in his armor and grabbed his weapon. Y/n expectedly teleported the both of them to the top of the tower on Dream's castle.

"Okay, Can you make a portal to see into the rooms?"

"Which room?"

"How about the armory first." She made a portal and Techno stuck his head through.

"Not there." They went through every room in the castle before Techno said, "It's here!" They hopped in and Y/n loaded an arrow onto her bow. Techno walked over to the gem and Y/n looked around the room.

"I got it. Let's go." She was about to teleport then when a gas started to quickly fill the room. She tried to make a portal or teleported but couldn't. They both started to cough.

"We need to get out of here." Y/n attempted to say through coughs. Techno tried to break down the door. Y/n's vision started to get blurry and she got very dizzy.

"NO!" She heard someone yell as her vision went black.


"WAKE UP!" Someone yelled in her ear. She opened her eyes.

"What's going on?"

"Dream knocked us out with the gas. He woke me up a while ago and threatened to kill us both. My hands are covered with obsidian because I used my powers. He only tied your hands I need you to us out of here."

"Whatever." She waves her hand and a sharp rock flew over. She sliced the rope and got off the chair. The room was dark. There was only one window and the light was still dim. She walked over to Techno and removed the metal on his hands.

The rope around him burst into flame and he stood up.

"There's a small cave just outside this cell. Can you make a portal through the wall." She made a portal and they both stepped through.

"Let's walk home. I don't want you to get tired out just in case something happens." They started to walk towards Phil's castle. They were halfway there, with Y/n walking ahead, when there was a loud thump. She turned around and saw Techno laying on the floor trying to get up. She ran over and leaned him against a wall.

"I didn't think this would happen. I thought it wasn't that bad."

"You thought it wasn't that bad?! Did you even look at it?" There was a large gash in Techno's side.

"How long have you been bleeding?"

"Dream gave me the wound a minute before I woke you up."

"Holy shit." She ripped some fabric off her sleeve and tied it around the wound. He winced when she tied the knot. "I'm gonna teleport you back to the castle. Hold on." She held onto him tightly and teleported him into the medical wing. The healers rushed over. She laid him on a bed, he had fallen unconscious.

"Sit here ma'am. We need to make sure your okay too." A healer sat her down on a chair.

"Is he gonna be okay?"

"We will let you know if you don't stay here."

"Oh okay."

Hate You Less (Techno x reader)Where stories live. Discover now