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Techno pulled her into a garden. There were trees and flowers and every type of plant imaginable was there. She gasped and sat in the flowers. Techno sat down next to her as she picked a flower and smelt it.

"This is beautiful." She smiled brightly.

"I figured since your element was earth you'd like this place."

"Yeah, it's really nice." They gave each other a smile. The awkwardness that was there before had melted away.

|~At Dinner~|

Y/n was sitting next to Wilbur during dinner. He sniffed his drink and made a weird face.

"Y/n smell the drink." He turned to her. She smelt it and turned away from it quickly.

"That smells bad. I wouldn't drink that."

"Maybe the drink went bad or something."

"My drink smells bad too." Everyone else agreed but Tommy and Tubbo already had finished their drink. She smelt her drink.

"It smells like cinnamon and something else." She gagged and walked away from the table.

"If your gonna throw up please don't do it in here!" Phil exclaimed. She coughedand ran out of the room.

"IT SMELLS SO FUCKING BAD!" She yelled from outside the room. Tubbo and Tommy ran out of the room quickly. She heard vomiting and plugged her ears. Techno ran out and made sure the two were okay. Niki came over and hugged Y/n tightly. She squeezed her eyes shut.

"It's okay." She always hated the sound of vomit. It made her uncomfortable. Niki but her hands over Y/n's ears as well. There was muffled talking. Niki's hands moved away from her head and she looked up to see Techno there.

"Are you okay?" She nodded. "Tommy and Tubbo drank something their stomach's didn't like. Why don't you go hang out in our garden while this is happening okay?" She nodded again and teleported into the garden Techno had showed her earlier.

Y/n laid down in some flowers. Feeling tired she closed her eyes and dosed off.

Hate You Less (Techno x reader)Where stories live. Discover now